Book Review: Pachinko by Min Jin Lee

Tonislava Docheva
2 min readApr 25, 2020

Where to begin explaining my love for this book…The feeling I had when I finished the story and closed the book, encapsulates my experience which was a contented “ahh…” :) My spirit hummed and rejoiced as it remembered the goodness and love that there can be, even in times of suffering.

This book reads smoothly like calm ocean waves that slowly bring you back to shore: and that shore is our humanity, our loving, kind, and caring spirit that endures in the face of pain and suffering.

In this family saga, new generations are born, and older ones pass away, yet that link of lineage and family continues, as does their stories.

The journey begins

with a boy who is born with physical deformities in Yeongdo, Korea. He goes on to marry and have a daughter, Sunja, who is his biggest miracle and joy. Although life didn’t provide him with the best circumstances, he finds goodness and joy through loving.

This theme continues

as we follow the life of his daughter, and then the lives of her children, and then their children. We’re introduced to the vast and dark history of Japan during the 1900’s, and the not-so-hidden pain and suffering that Koreans went through during that time, living in Korea and also in Japan. Most of this was a historical shock for me as I had no idea the kind of humiliation and oppression that these people suffered.

This book has a lot of suffering, don’t get me wrong, but it is not what this book is about. This book is about what you do with all of that pain and suffering — do you let it consume you, as it did some of the characters like Hana and Noa? Or do you let it drive you forward, like Mozasu and Solomon?

Stylistic highlights which I feel are worth mentioning: Never once did I feel like the writer interfered with the story with style and tone. The story unfolded like honey on butter, as you forget that you’re reading, and instead simply seeing the story play out in your mind’s eye. That to me is superb skill and writing.

I savored every bit of this book, and I hope you do too!

