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David J. Meyer
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2021


What is Biblit?

Biblit is a weekly newsletter/devotion consisting of what we call Biblits. Each Biblit gives a detailed breakdown of different passages of Scripture! If you have never heard the term Biblical Literacy before, I encourage you to look it up and incorporate it into your own quiet times! I learned about it from a popular Christian author, Jen Wilkins. To sum up, essentially, there are three parts to solid study of God’s word:

  1. Context
  2. Interpretation
  3. Application

Most people love the application (myself included). The “ok, that passage is cool, what do I do with it?” questions. There is nothing wrong with that enthusiasm at all! It shows great fruit when we want so desperately to grow and be more like Christ! However, we can never truly achieve Godly application if we do not know the context and interpretation of the passage we are reading. We will take things out of context and if we aren’t careful, we may live our lives in a non-biblical way!

Thus, it is so so so important that we study God’s word in the right order! First, we should understand the context of what’s going on in the passage. This includes historical context, story context, or any kind of language barrier that might help us understand what’s going on better. Next, we jump into the interpretation. What is the message the author is trying to give in this passage? Once we have those two, we can take our own life circumstances and apply the Biblical interpretation. That is the best…



David J. Meyer

Husband. Writer. Founder of Biblit. Creator of short stories, poetry, blogs, and more. More info at: davidjmeyer.press