Unlocking the Surreal Secrets of Salvador Dali: 30 Facts About The Master of Melting Clocks

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10 min readJun 5, 2023


Salvador Dali with his pet ocelot, Babou, and cane. 1965. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).
Salvador Dali with his pet ocelot, Babou, and cane. 1965. (Source: Wikimedia Commons).

The Enigmatic Life of Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali is a name that is synonymous with surrealism. His ground-breaking artwork has inspired generations of artists, and his life has been the subject of many books, films, and documentaries. However, behind the public persona of the eccentric artist lies a hidden life that is full of mysteries and secrets. In this article, we will explore the enigmatic life of Salvador Dali, and uncover 30 little-known facts about the master of melting clocks.

1. An obsession with Eroticism

Dali is known for his sexually charged artwork, but few people know just how obsessed he was with eroticism. In fact, he claimed to have lost his virginity at the age of five, to his nanny. He also had a fascination with the Marquis de Sade, and would often visit the Château de Lacoste, where the infamous writer had been imprisoned. Salvador’s obsession with sexuality was also evident in his personal life, as he was known to have many extramarital affairs, including with the actress Mae West.




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