Announcing Biconomy @ Outlier Ventures Basecamp and our new advisors!

Ahmed Al-Balaghi
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2020

We at Biconomy have had quite a promising start to 2020. Let’s get cracking with some updates!

We are super excited to announce that Biconomy is the first project from India that was selected for the Outlier Ventures Basecamp Accelerator program in London. This marks a key milestone in our journey in building middleware solutions and tools that help developers build out killer Web 3 applications that are seamless and user-friendly. We are very much honoured for the opportunity to build innovative products that will help to bring blockchain to the masses.

In addition, we are delighted to welcome Matthew Liu & Josh Fraser from Origin Protocol and Sandeep Nailwal from Matic Network to our advisory board. All three have an amazing mix of experience in both the blockchain space and beyond and we believe their expertise, enthusiasm, and know-how will take Biconomy to newer highs!

Over the past year, we have seen the potential of Defi and the revolutionary changes it can create in the existing financial system. Ethereum Defi liquidity is increasing day by day, and it’s open modular nature allows anyone to build interesting use cases on top of them. This burgeoning trend of Defi applications will open room for many middleware protocols that will allow applications to plug and play rather than creating their own infrastructure.

At Biconomy, we already have found creative ways to solve the gas problem that will help to make the user experience frictionless. We are starting off with our relayer platform that uses meta transactions to eliminate the gas fees from the end-users.

Along with our partners, investors, and community, we are looking forward to building the next generation of web 3 tools that will help improve crypto adoption!

Interested in integrating or just would like to learn a bit more about our implementation? Well, check our documentation.

About Biconomy :

Biconomy is a scalable and smart Relayer Infrastructure for blockchain transactions that reduce the friction between applications built on the blockchain and the end-users. Biconomy’s relayer network comprises a suite of SDKs and APIs that simplify the DApp development process for developers as well as abstracting many of the blockchain complexities, vastly enhancing the end-user experience for DApps and wallets. With the rise of DApps and the increased relevance of gasless transactions, Biconomy is setting its goals high to providing the necessary scalable infrastructure to facilitate transactions to the masses, aiming to become the “ stripe of crypto”.


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Ahmed Al-Balaghi

Persevering, always! Passionate about making a difference. Building mass adoption of Web 3 @ Biconomy and podcasting @ Encrypted.