Biconomy Gas Grants for Moonbeam

Building on Moonbeam? Let us sponsor your user’s gas fees!

Aditya Khanduri
3 min readMar 11, 2022


We, at Biconomy, are on a misson to onboard the next billion users to Web 3. To push this adoption on the Moonbeam network, we will give Gas Grants to promising dApps to sponsor the gas fees of their users!

Apply here:

Read on to check the details of the grant.

But ser, what’s Gasless?

Biconomy provides plug & play APIs to make dApp experience frictionless. To enable this, we abstract the complexities of gas fees to allow the end-users to enjoy a smooth and seamless experience whenever they interact with any dApp.

To hide gas-related obstacles and enable a superior UX, we developed the Gasless product built on top of our in-house multi-chain relayer infrastructure. Gasless allows any dApp builder to sponsor the gas fees on behalf of their end-users!

Using meta-transactions, Gasless basically shifts the onus of gas fee payment & transaction management from the end-user to Biconomy relayers. The user simply signs the transaction & voila! We make sure the transaction goes through, & charge the gas fee to the dApp builder or owner. This way the end-users enjoy gasless transactions and the dApp builders can bootstrap their traction and customer acquisition.

To support the dApp developers grow their project and propel the Web 3 adoption, we are proud to launch Gas Grants by Biconomy for dApps building on the Moonbeam Network.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How much is the gas grant?

Biconomy will sponsor $500 worth of gas fees on Moonbeam upfront no questions asked!

Next, if you do total 20K transactions in first 45 days of going live, Biconomy will reimburse the gas cost for all additional transactions upto $1500. For this we will add equivalent gas credits into your account, which you can use for future gasless transactions.

What are the benefits of a gas grant?

  • For the end-user — They get gas-free transactions and easy UX while using your dApp.
  • For dApp builder — Easy UX, seamless onboarding, and faster customer acquisition, all at zero cost.
  • For the ecosystem — Seamless web3 adoption

Who’s eligible to get a gas grant?

We want to solve for the masses, therefore this grant is open to anyone who’s building on Moonbeam and wishes to use Biconomy for improving their UX! (Except existing dApps)

How to apply for a gas grant?

💡 Gas Grant Application form —

What are the other terms and conditions?

Biconomy will provide a gas grant to the first 50 dApps which go-live with gasless, among all the applicants. (no other strings attached)

What are the next-steps from here?

Once you fill out the application, please reach out to us or wait for us to reach out to you. We will help you get onboard and will credit your gas account before you go-live.

You can also head to our official documentation to understand on how can you enable gasless transactions for you dApp.

Please reach to us at or @rohan2433 (Telegram) in case you need anything.



Aditya Khanduri

Marketing @Biconomy | Interested in Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Biotech & emerging tech startups | Tea aficionado