Biconomy Rebrand: Setting sights on our new chapter

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5 min readJul 27, 2021

As Biconomy enters a critical time in our scale journey, our team has purposefully a pulled together to reimagine our brand and image. The intention is to have our creative identity match our ambitions: revolutionising web 3 transactions. Over a process of three months, 6 workshops and more than 12 concepts, we are delighted to reveal our new logo and invite the community to witness it during our forthcoming launch of our new website.

We took the time to think deeply about our values, the mission, the decentralization ecosystem and those that we care and solve for. We wanted to ensure that our visual identity reflected this important step we are about to make and the journey we’re embarking upon, particularly as we open up Biconomy for the community to be more actively involved. At the core, we wanted to create a brand that would easily be accessible and owned by all. We asked questions such as:

  • Where is Biconomy heading in the next five years?
  • When we think of Biconomy what comes to mind?
  • How do we want our users to feel when they use our products and services?
  • What legacy and impact are we going to create for the world at large?

Many companies and tech-based solutions may treat the visual identity process as a means of aesthetic re-lift. However, it was clear to our team that the process was critical — and beyond an external facelift — the brand gives our work a sense of purpose and collective mission to build better.

The New Biconomy Identity reconciles our original brand ethos, while simultaneously incorporating a more progressive interpretation of our brand. We set out to maintain our iconic B pressed letter, which has become synonymous with us, while rethinking and reimagining a bespoke typeface for our letter-mark.

‘It may seem simple on the face of it but our solutions are deeply complex and part of delivering with simplicity is to solve internally with rigour and complexity.’

Biconomy Staff Workshop Participant

Geometric reflections simplified

The Biconomy rebrand combines geometric reflections, nodding to the web3 context we solve for. By integrating three circles, we rethought the Icon to be bold, but carefully composed. Each circle is integrated and overlapped, as we also believe in integrated working, problem solving, and the power of community.

As we further iterated, we decided to pull together a powerful and contrasting colour palette that took the three circular compositions to a split tone to reflect our solutions for multiple layers, and also incorporate the utter simplicity in our solution.

The Biconomy Lettermark

Orange you glad to see a new face?

The colour palette selection was intentional and drew from a variety of elements that came forward in our workshops as we asked our team to consider how Biconomy can be best represented.

Images sourced from our workshop as we drew inspiration

Color creates a striking visual element to any company’s identity, and with Biconomy we wanted to really reflect this in our design. The consistent representation of such bold, beautiful yet contrasting colors helps reinforce the distinctiveness of the Biconomy brand.

The Biconomy Colour Palette

The Orange Vermillion and Space Black are incorporated in our brand’s primary composite for our lettermark. An extended color palette has been created for use in presentations and other corporate materials, and where backgrounds may not be suited to our letter mark.

On first sight, the Biconomy lettermark reimagined is a very simple composition but its complexity is abstracted away much like our solutions for developers. As a plug and play API, we build with the values of simplicity and integrity — our mark reflects this, and reflects the future of a frictionless Web 3 we want to build and enable.


Our wordmark pulls from the font family of Adventor, with slight and subtle adjustments to create a compact but easy to apply usage. The redefining of the Biconomy wordmark from a pixel-orientated and square composition to a much more circular and rounded feel, creates an ease on the eye but with an impactful touch. The friendliness of the font is a direct reflection of our company’s ethos to be as open and readily available to our clients, customers and community.

The Bico-Suite

The Bico-Suite

Under the Biconomy brand sits our product-suite, under the broad banner of the BicoSuite. Using a consistent design, and showing the trajectory of movement, the arrows play a pivotal part in the brand expression.

Each of these sub-brands are expressed in different ways and for those that have already experienced Hyphen, we hope you will agree with the superior design and thought that has gone into it.

We are confident with our new brand identity and our refreshed visual look and feel, and this will be a clear signal to all those that build with us and those we build for the exciting chapter we are now entering in the Biconomy journey..

Stay tuned for more as we unveil other exciting parts in our journey. Our website is due to launch in the coming hours, and are you in for a design and experience treat!

