Introducing Biconomy

Ahmed Al-Balaghi
Published in
3 min readAug 3, 2019

Want to use a dApp like you use a normal web application? Tough luck, following are the 21 steps you need to follow to try out a dApp referred to you by your friend:

If these are the number of steps one needs to take to interact with a dApp, mass adoption of dApps is a pipe dream.

The solution to the above problem is through a technique called meta-transactions (meta-txs). Essentially, meta-txs allow dApp developers to pay transaction fees on behalf of their user. The cost associated with the transaction fees is a user acquisition cost that many developers are willing to pay and with many sidechain and scaling solutions going live on Ethereum this cost is going to be drastically reduced.

Sounds awesome! How can I allow meta-txs in my dApp?

Three lines of code :) Integrate our SDK and experience the magical world of meta-txs!

Introducing Mexa

Mexa is an SDK developed by Biconomy that allows dApp developers to integrate meta transactions to their existing dApps without making any changes to their smart contract code. Importing our SDK is very simple and we provide various ways for the same like with CDN script tag, via an NPM package etc.

Mexa dashboard

Oh wait! Did we tell you about our simple to use Mexa dashboard that allows you to manage all your dApps & their users, apply meta-tx limits on API/user level, create APIs for your smart contract methods and so much more. This dashboard is accessible to all dApps using the Mexa SDK. Some screenshots of our dashboard are attached below:

Manage all your dApps in one place
Manage your dApp users with varying roles & permissions

We are soon going to be live in public beta. To request early access to the Mexa SDK & Dashboard and be a part of the future of dApps, reach out to us

When a dApp developer using Mexa sees another dApp still asking their users to pay transaction fees for usage, this is how he feels :

Thanks to Sachin Tomar and Arnav Vohra for their contribution to this article!


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Ahmed Al-Balaghi

Persevering, always! Passionate about making a difference. Building mass adoption of Web 3 @ Biconomy and podcasting @ Encrypted.