Introducing dApp Gas Tank

Easier way to manage gas for your meta-transactions

Aditya Khanduri
4 min readNov 29, 2021


We are thrilled to announce our gas tank module for our dApp partners! Essentially, fill up the gas tank & be rest assured that the relayers will fund the gas for all your user transactions. And when the gas is low, we will send you a reminder to fill the tank up again. So you never run out of gas!

Easier way to fund gas

Currently, we fund the relayers to pay the gas fees for all our dApps. But as we have scaled up to 70+ partners, this is no longer feasible for us to manage. Thus, some dApps have observed downtime and instances where their transactions wouldn’t go through. Their users would be angry, they can’t see why that’s happening, so they would frantically text our team about it, and then we would fund the relayers. Messy & inefficient process.

Not anymore! From now on, each dApp will have their own personal gas tank to fund our relayers. They can see the gas tank on their dashboard to check how much gas is left. They would get alerts when the levels drop below a limit. They can then easily fill it up themselves. Thus, their users will never get dropped transactions due to low gas in the relayers.

In the coming months, lots of useful features are in store!

Manage Gas Sponsorship Budget

The gas tank gives a great way for dApps to analyze their gas spendings. How much gas are you spending on your user’s transactions per month? Do you see more traffic, thus spending more gas on weekends? What’s your monthly budget for gas sponsorship? We will also give you an estimated projection for your monthly deposits depending on past trends.

You can even set gas sponsorship budgets. For example, you can set a limit of $5K per month in gas spendings. If it goes above that, the gasless module will automatically switch off. Or you can choose to increase it for that month.

If the monthly gas spendings are going above your customer acquisition cost estimates, you can add filters to sponsor gas on special cases. For example, sponsor gas for only the first 5 transactions. Or sponsor gas for only certain actions, such as a staking contract, to make sure you don’t overspend their budget. Or decide that the transaction amount should be above a certain limit to enjoy a gasless transaction. You can set all such custom filters with the Biconomy gasless module!

The important thing is that the dApp will be in control of how much they want to spend in gas sponsorship! And have a good transparent idea of their spendings at all times.

Smooth onboarding

We offer a developer friendly plug-n-play solution. So a new dApp can integrate Biconomy in hours very easily. But to start supporting meta-transactions on mainnet, they need an equally seamless way to pre-fund for any activity. This step can take very long and ruin the whole plug-n-play ethos if they need to talk to us and have any dependency on us.

The gas tank offers a smooth way to integrate Biconomy & immediately start supporting gasless transactions on mainnet. Just add a few lines of code, pre-fund the gas tank on your dashboard with the chain native token, and voila! Your dApp is simpler to use in a jiffy!

How to set up my gas tank?

In the coming days, we will release the step by step guide to set up your dApp’s gas tank. Once set up, there’s some surprise gas credit waiting for you! ;)

If you get stuck anywhere, please feel free to ping us on our discord support channels.

Stay tuned for more details.

Tanks for reading!



Aditya Khanduri

Marketing @Biconomy | Interested in Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Biotech & emerging tech startups | Tea aficionado