integrates Biconomy for seamless UX

Ahmed Al-Balaghi
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2020

New day, new integration!

Biconomy, a blockchain agnostic middleware platform with a vision to onboard a billion users to blockchain announces a partnership with Nceno, a leading fitness provider platform that has been using cutting edge technologies to build a valuable mechanism that helps people to get fit and stay healthy

Nceno aims to recognize the efforts of its users immediately and incentivize them with tangible rewards every step of the way to fitness and wellness. With Nceno, restaurants, brands, and shops can host exercise challenges that anyone can join to work out for the brand’s tokens (created by Nceno). The tokens can be spent on the brand’s own prizes specific to their challenge, or combined or swapped with friends just like normal tokens. More challenge modes will be added this summer including group staking challenges with friends, personal motivation staking mode, and group support mode for a family member.

What sets Nceno apart from many other DApps or fitness apps is its focus on user experience and social connection. As blockchain is not touted as a defining feature of the app, it remains hidden from the user, while bolstering the benefits of decentralized “points tokens” and “proof-of-workout”. Biconomy dovetails with Nceno’s focus on UX by removing one of the biggest hurdles to blockchain adoption — procuring cryptocurrency. What’s more is that unlike similar integrations such as GSN, Biconomy already has in place the tools, support, and dev friendly infrastructure to remove most of the DApp upkeep for the developer (e.g. gas allowance is topped off, dealing with stuck transactions, uptime of relayers and more).

Since Nceno will be adopted by the general public beyond the crypto savvy population, it is integral for the Nceno team to provide a seamless user experience which is comparable, if not better than the web 2 experience. Biconomy will help to remove these blockchain complexities in the application to enable a frictionless and rewarding experience. This will also mean the thousands of users on Nceno will be able to transact on-chain without worrying about gas fees. Here are some of the ways this integration with Biconomy will improve the experience tenfold:

  1. Community admins/App admins can distribute ERC-20 based tokens among their users without worrying about the gas fees
  2. Users will be able to send each other Nceno tokens or use the tokens for inhouse activities free of charge
  3. Gas optimization and effective transaction management ensures transactions settle in the quickest amount of time for a faster UX

About Biconomy:

At Biconomy, our mission is to make next-generation technologies simple to use. We are building a smart relayer infrastructure network for blockchain transactions that reduces the friction between applications built on the blockchain and the end-users. Biconomy’s relayer network comprises a suite of SDKs and APIs that simplify the DApp development process for developers as well as abstracting many of the blockchain complexities, vastly enhancing the end-user experience for DApps and wallets.





About Nceno

Nceno is a DApp that is changing the way people and businesses capture value from exercise. With Nceno, restaurants, brands, and shops can host exercise challenges that anyone can join to workout for the brand’s tokens (created by Nceno). The tokens can be spent on the brand’s own prizes specific to their challenge, or combined or swapped with friends just like normal tokens. More challenge modes will be added this summer including group staking challenges with friends, personal motivation staking mode, and group support mode for a family member.

Nceno launches on Android at the end of the month, with iOS to follow in July. However, users can pre-link their Strava accounts all the way until launch to get rewarded for the exercises they are doing right now! Find out more at






Ahmed Al-Balaghi

Persevering, always! Passionate about making a difference. Building mass adoption of Web 3 @ Biconomy and podcasting @ Encrypted.