The Sandbox Teams Up with Biconomy to Offer Gasless Transactions

Using Gasless, The Sandbox saved their users $600K+ in gas during the great LAND migration!

Aditya Khanduri
2 min readFeb 8, 2022


It’s with great excitement that we officially announce our integration with The Sandbox to provide Gasless transactions during their great LAND migration!

What is the ‘LAND migration’?

The Sandbox is a community-driven platform where creators can monetize voxel assets and gaming experiences on the blockchain. When The Sandbox decided to move to a new smart contract, they wanted the LAND owners to migrate from the old LAND contract to the new one.

On Dec 25th 2021, a smart contract vulnerability was flagged by a security researcher. The Sandbox took immediate action to fix the issue & deployed the fix to a new smart contract. The fix and the new contract was audited by both Certik and Solidified, where they received high-security scores (audits are available on The Sandbox Github repository.)

Nevertheless, as a result of the vulnerability, users were encouraged to migrate all of their LAND tokens to the new contract. The Sandbox team deicded to enable the users to migrate their LAND tokens without any costs (gasless support). Thus, they decided to work with Biconomy’s Gasless to support free transactions & a smooth experience for their users!

The impact

To make the process as easy as possible, The Sandbox team released a migration interface on January 28th, which can be found here

At the time of this post, Gasless has helped The Sandbox team process 7,174 transactions and $601,241 in gas fees on behalf of LAND holders, resulting in no cost for those looking to migrate!

By quickly fixing the vulnerability, and making the process of migrating to the new contract seamless & gasless, The Sandbox ensured that their users are not affected by the issue!



Aditya Khanduri

Marketing @Biconomy | Interested in Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Biotech & emerging tech startups | Tea aficionado