Transforming the Gaming Experience on ZED RUN with Biconomy

Aditya Khanduri
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2020

Zed Run is a digital horse racing platform where users can own, trade, breed and race their unique NFT racehorses for real ETH and rewards. It provides the whole experience of racing, winning and owning something valuable that lives and breathes in a virtual world.

However, they realised that this experience was severely hampered if the user had to pay gas and wait for an eternity before every transaction. The digital racing user journey requires a ton of quick transactions to enter and compete in races as seamlessly as possible. If at every stage the user had to pay a hefty fee and wait for 20–25 minutes, then they wouldn’t enjoy the whole experience.

Moreover, a new non-crypto savvy user that loves the concept of digital racing may want to give Zed Run a try. However, they might run away from all the blockchain transaction complexities involved in buying horses and entering races.

Thus, Zed Run wanted to provide gasless transactions and zero racing transaction fees. They wanted the ability to sponsor the gas themselves to enable the users to quickly onboard and have a gasless experience. They decided to integrate Biconomy as the transaction infrastructure to make this possible. They also enabled lightning-fast buy-in’s thanks to Matic.

Gasless Gaming Experience

How Biconomy is adding value:

  1. Smooth racing experience: Users don’t have to worry about crazy fees while taking part in races. The blockchain bits remain at the backend, ensuring the user don’t need to worry about it too much during the races.
  2. MetaMask proficiency not required: Thanks to Biconomy’s network agnostic transactions, you don’t have to switch the network on MetaMask every time you move funds between ETH and Zed Balance.

Future implementations: Move funds from ETH balance to Zed Balance on layer 2 instantly without waiting for hours to make the transaction happen

Biconomy helps provide a seamless virtual gaming experience

As you can see, Zed Run could provide a gasless seamless experience thanks to Biconomy. Instead of wasting development time and costs in building such a solution themselves, they saved precious resources by leveraging Biconomy’s plug-n-play tool.

This improved user experience, lightning-fast transactions, and no gas fee will help Zed Run grow their community. Their product also leads the way in how delightful gaming experiences on the blockchain will have to be going forward.



Aditya Khanduri

Marketing @Biconomy | Interested in Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Biotech & emerging tech startups | Tea aficionado