Lonely Summer Roads

Dana Keenan
3 min readJan 25, 2014

I could have stayed home. I could have just watched the same shit
thats on the TV in the afternoon. I could have also delved deeper into
my growing wasabi almond addiction. I could have done all of these
things, but instead I decided to take my old pedal bike out for a ride.

I took the time to check the tires and the pressure they maintained,
looked at how rusty the chain seemed to have gotten since the last
time we saw each other. Adjusted the seat and even fixed my
reflectors. Before I knew it, we were off. From the driveway to the
main road, from the road to the side streets, I made my way to those
old backcountry thoroughfares I used to ride to clear my head. Back before I had the use
of a car and before I got too busy to do such things. Before I took
summer bike rides for granted.

Here were are again. These lonely summer roads I know like the back of my hand. I remember each
bump and pothole like I remember where each freckle and bruise is
on my own arm. In this place the cars drive past by slowly and infrequent. If you
were to hold your breath in between passing traffic, you would surely
suffocate. Not that you’re not complaining about the lack of company. A
break from the creeps and the crazies even for an hour long bike
cruise is a vacation.

A few stops here and there to snap some photos
and smell the flowers. This road and the setting sun are the company I
keep for now. My iphone is playing Death Cab and Kevin Devine. Passenger Seat and Another Bag of Bones.

The hills roll and fall flat. My mind wanders from topic to topic.Everything,
all at once for now at the very least, is calm and quiet. I’m not worried
right now about the things that weigh heavy, I’m thinking about the
summer sun. I’m thinking about how I’m getting out of shape
and I could really care less. About how great the world in this moment.

This perfect moment.

All because I took those lonely summer roads tonight as far as they
would take me. I’ll rest easy. I’ll take time to make
love and do all the things I want to do. Summer Oh! Summer: This is
the time of our lives, all you have to do is live it. Take it from me,
maybe you should take the lonely road? Maybe the long way back
home at the very least.

So I see the sun setting and I head home. The
same crap is on the TV, the dishes aren’t done, and I can feel those
wasabi almonds calling my name behind the cabinet door. But It
doesn’t really matter, I have everything I need anyway:

Some clarity and a bicycle.

