It’s time to take Dogecoin seriously

Eric Kryski
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2018

At Bidali, we love Dogecoin!

I wouldn’t consider us maximalists for any particular currency but if we had to pick one it would definitely be Dogecoin.

In our opinion it is the currency and community that best represents the quirky cypherpunk roots of cryptocurrency. This was pretty apparent at the infamous Dogecon that took place earlier in the year in Vancouver.

What started out as joke created by Jackson Palmer based on the Shiba Inu internet meme, has developed into a very popular cryptocurrency. This playful fork of Bitcoin has some of the lowest fees and fastest confirmation times of all the Bitcoin forks. With block times of ~1 minute it’s even faster than Litecoin, it has cheaper network fees and is supported at many exchanges. It’s no surprise to us that it recently has become one of the most transacted cryptocurrencies on chain (as opposed to simply being traded). This is a good indicator of real usage.

What started as a joke has started to become one of the most real, fairly distributed cryptocurrencies around today. Because of it’s low price, fun branding and no-bullshit attitude, this has translated into a more evenly distributed ownership compared to other currencies. Probably much more inline with Satoshi’s vision — decentralized, secure, digital cash. All that’s been missing has been good fiat on/off ramps and adoption at places where you can use it to pay for things.

This is why we’re excited to announce that, as of today, we’ve now integrated Dogecoin as a payment option into our crypto-payments gateway and online gift card store!

Now, any online merchant will be able to utilize Bidali’s out-of-the-box online payment and accounting software to accept Dogecoin with ease. Online retailers that accept DOGE through our payment gateway will also have the option of being paid out in local currency including USD, CAD, Euro, and GBP and having their taxes and conversion rates automatically calculated. This now makes Dogecoin a viable payment/donation option for many organizations.

Dogecoin holders and Shiba Inu aficionados are now also able to buy gift cards with dogecoin from a wide variety of popular brands such as Amazon, iTunes, Google Play and hundreds of other household names. Now you can really get meta and buy that new bed or special treat for your doge with DOGE!

We are such excite to be able to offer the ability for people to use their Dogecoin to pay for high quality goods and services. We have a special place in our heart for Dogecoin and the wonderful, quirky, eccentric community it has inspired. We’re excited to make this small contribution and enable people to use Dogecoin for even more fun and quirky things. Some of the charitable campaigns put together by the Dogecoin community members have been very amaze and we can’t wait to see what people do next. We have some ideas cooking over here, so if you’d like to collab feel free to send us a note.

We don’t know what the future of this so amaze crypto will hold. Regardless, 1 DOGE will always equal 1 DOGE and the impact of the Shiba Inu on our culture is priceless.

Eric & The Bidali Team ✌️

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Originally published at on December 19, 2018.



Eric Kryski

Computer & data scientist, partner @bullishventures, creator of @feathersjs, co-founder of Passionate about data and transparency in finance.