BidiPass (3FA) Partners with Unification to Disrupt Identity Authentication Giants Google and Microsoft

BidiPass (3FA) will become one of the validators available in the Unification Enterprise Alliance

4 min readMar 26, 2020


BidiPass will be one of 96 validators providing decentralized blockchain solutions and strong security to Unification users. The high-throughput and strong security of the BidiPass 3FA identity authentication protocol provides several advantages over alternatives offered by Google and Microsoft.

The partnership between BidiPass (3FA) and UEA is a natural fit for furthering the decentralized blockchain solutions available to enterprises.

BidiPass (Grand Cayman) has been announced as a Partner and future Validator available in the Unification Enterprise Alliance (UEA), from the Unification Foundation (Singapore), The Blockchain Company.

BidiPass (3FA), as a partner and future validator, will be one of 96 organizations to provide security within the Unification network. The Unification blockchain network is specifically designed to provide decentralized governance, monetization, and accountability solutions to enterprises.

About UEA and Unification Network

Officially launched in March 2020, the UEA is a decentralized consortium of intra-industry leaders who play a key validator role in the operation of the Unification Network. UEA organizations commit to securing the Unification network through proof-of-stake, making it easy and safe for enterprises to deploy blockchain solutions.

The Unification network is built on the Tendermint Core consensus algorithm, giving it speed capacities far beyond the standard blockchain network. As a validator, BidiPass 3FA will facilitate the secure and successful operation of the Unification network by proposing, signing, and validating blocks.

Why is BidiPass 3FA Better?

BidiPass 3FA has a strong history of providing secure and decentralized solutions in the blockchain industry, making the firm an ideal addition to the UEA. BidiPass has built a safe and easy-to-use identity authentication protocol on the Ethereum network.

The BidiPass (3FA) authentication protocol provides several advantages over the Google Authenticator product including protection against phishing attacks, strong UX design, and maintaining a decentralized design. Nowadays, BidiPass is not the only firm implementing blockchain solutions for identity authentication. Thus, showing the importance of improving security in digital services.

Last year, Microsoft announced that it was experimenting with an identity authentication protocol on the Bitcoin blockchain. However, the Bitcoin blockchain comes with a set of problems including limited throughput and an energy-intensive consensus mechanism that will be much more efficiently resolved with the future efforts of BidiPass & Unification.

With this UEA partnership, BidiPass is committed to contributing to the security of a blockchain network designed to meet the needs of enterprises. The decentralized solutions offered by Unification and BidiPass are well-matched and the partnership of both could disrupt the identity authenticator product market where Google and Microsoft hold dominant shares.

About BidiPass (3FA)

BidiPass brought the first three-factor authentication (3FA) technology to market. The BidiPass (BDP) identity authentication protocol is built on the Ethereum network, secured by the computing power of mass amounts of GPU hardware distributed globally.

The BidiPass Authenticator functions up to twice as fast as Google Authenticator while providing greater security. Its state-of-the-art UX design delivers to users a sublime navigational experience.

The Authenticator functions on a two-layer security protocol that is maintained by widely distributed nodes. Users of BidiPass benefit from the security of the two-layer protocol, the simplicity of the UX, and the decentralization of the base layer.

BidiPass 3FA will also benefit from high-speed and low operational costs. The hybrid blockchain architecture of BidiPass that combines public and private blockchains facilitates high-throughput transactions at extremely low costs.

BidiPass 3FA is deeply aligned with the ethos of decentralization. The BidiPass goal is to create solutions that will adapt to technological innovations and greater security infrastructure in the long-term.

About Unification

The Unification network provides rapidly deployable, high-throughput, and secure blockchain tools that bring security, efficiency, and accountability to businesses. In March 2020, Unification officially launched the Unification Enterprise Alliance. The UEA is composed of 96 organizations that are committed to acting as validators in the Unification network. The role of UEA validators includes producing, signing, and validating blocks.

Contact Information

Unification Foundation Pte Ltd

160 Robinson Road #26–06, Singapore, 068914


Willow House, Cricket Square, PO Box 709, Grand Cayman KY1–1107, Cayman Islands

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Edited by César Patiño, Public Relations Manager at BidiPass.




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