Cybersecurity in the Post-coronavirus Crisis: Are You Safe Online?

The Spread of Phishing, Ransomware, and Scams Concern Experts

4 min readApr 20, 2020


While the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak is still causing havoc worldwide, experts show their concern about the future of online business security. The pandemic has left a hard-to-forget toll in human lives in countries like the USA, Italy, Spain, and many others. At publication time, the victims of this virus reach 21k in Spain, with +200k infected people and +80k recovered patients. Though, figures may never be accurate to the unit on this tragedy.

Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

Hackers and scammers have not rested in this time of crisis. While the world turns on online services (deliveries, shopping, etc.) more than before, various strategies to trick unaware users have spread. Coronavirus-themed phishing attacks, attachments with malware, and other sophisticated ruses are on the rise. How can you keep your data safe in times of turbulence in every aspect of our lives?

Watch out for Fraudulent Mailing

Although it may seem an old classic, scam e-mails are still popular within wrongdoers. Today, we have several means of communication (Skype, Zoom, etc.), but we need an e-mail to create accounts and sign in. Thus, every user on the internet has at least one mail account. Moreover, it is rather simple to automate several deceptive mails to be delivered.

Even the WHO warns users to be wary about spam and how to identify the authenticity of messages. New users may have a difficult time telling apart authentic mails from scams. Malicious attackers are aware of this, so their target is the novice. In short, you should always keep in mind the following pieces of advice to be in the safe zone:

  • You should never share personal data, like passwords or credit card numbers.
  • You should double-check the links in an e-mail before clicking,
  • You should verify that the sender is someone you trust (although it can be faked).

If you believe, you have shared sensitive information with an unknown contact, the best course of action is to contact your entity or change the credentials (passwords). For instance, your bank can pause the use of credit cards withing minutes with a phone call. Also, in sites you log in, you can request a recovery e-mail to change your password.

Don’t Get Hooked by Phishing

Within the years, scammers refine their techniques to catch even the seasoned users unaware. Social engineering scams may try to abuse your confidence in someone you trust. For instance, if a friend of yours requests you by e-mail some sensitive information, does it trigger any alarms? You should always double-check the authenticity of out-of-the-ordinary messages. More information on techniques to stay in the safe zone against phishing here.

Photo by Webaroo on Unsplash

A New Era of Digital Services

The pandemic has reshaped how the global systems work. There is a turn on online services, such as videoconferences for meetings, teaching, etc. Moreover, there is also a rise in online shopping, delivery services, and related solutions to favor social spacing. Thus, thousands of restoration and leisure establishments risk closing forever due to the outbreak.

The preventive measures will extend months, estimations point out until Oct 2020. However, by that time, the new seasonal flu virus will strike back again, likely another SARS-CoV-2 strain will also show up. By that time, we look forward to being more conscious about how to prevent the contagion as a society. In the meantime, we need to stay safe on the internet.

Bidipass (3FA): It Is Time for 3-Factor Security Online

BidiPass brings the first 3-factor authentication (3FA) technology. The BidiPass (BDP) identity authentication protocol is built on the Ethereum network, secured by the computing power of GPUs distributed globally.

The BidiPass Authenticator functions up to twice as fast as Google Authenticator while providing greater security. Its state-of-the-art UX design delivers to users a sublime navigational experience.

Our Authenticator functions on a two-layer security protocol that is maintained by widely distributed nodes. Users of BidiPass benefit from the security of the 2-layer protocol, simplicity of the UX, and decentralization.

BidiPass 3FA will also benefit from high-speed and low operational costs. The hybrid blockchain architecture of BidiPass that combines public and private blockchains facilitates high-throughput transactions at extremely low costs.

BidiPass 3FA is deeply aligned with the ethos of decentralization. Our goal is to create solutions that will adapt to technological innovations and greater security infrastructure in the long-term. 3FA security is here with blockchain.

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Edited by César Patiño, Public Relations Manager at BidiPass.




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