Securer Integrates BidiPass

BidiPass Partners with Securer to Enhance 3FA

3 min readAug 30, 2019


BidiPass is glad to announce a new integration with Securer. Securer is a blockchain-based multi-protocol implemented on end-to-end assets’ digitizing and tokenizing platforms. This integration is aimed to boost the Multi-Factor Authentication — MFA provided by BidiPass. Allowing users to protect every digital interaction with BidiPass using biometrical security is now possible.

Digital assets have unlimited use-cases for global businesses and are spreading worldwide every day. As the adoption grows, the security issues escalate accordingly. Therefore, enhanced security with biometrical factors is a must to keep funds and personal info safe in the networks.

What is Securer?

Securer is an all-in-one digital security solution with a complete management service. Securer provides startups and SMBs with a platform to raise capital and manage their cap table, voting, dividend, and investor relations.

Integration Benefits for Securer and BidiPass

QR code in the Securer App

The integration of BidiPass will significantly enhance the infrastructure security of the Securer platform. The 3FA/MFA screening will assure users their accounts, funds, and private info is never accessible to wrongdoers or hackers.

The integration with Securer also introduces key advantages in technology and security for the BidiPass users. These are the key benefits that come along with the integration:

  • New: Registrations via 3FA
  • New: Transfer/burn/swap tokens to Investors via 3FA
  • Improved: Login with 3FA now possible
  • Updated: Enable/Disable 3FA
  • User can reset MFA anytime

The new features will cover any user interaction with MFA to prevent any data leakage. Moreover, the biometrical factor will force users to authenticate themselves in each step so that nobody else is able to change any settings in an account!

Commenting on the partnership, Fernando Albarran, BidiPass’s CEO, said, “BidiPass introduces MFA/3FA to the authentication process for Securer. Users of the Securer platform will immediately enjoy enhanced security and better UX. We are proud to share this new partnership with our community.”

About BidiPass

BidiPass (BDP) is an Identity Authentication Protocol built on Ethereum. The BidiPass Authenticator is the world’s first decentralized 3FA for enhanced infrastructure security, twice as fast and more secure than Google Authenticator and boosting state-of-the-art UX.

The BidiPass platform offers a user-friendly, secure and reliable method to authorize actions within connected platforms (e.g. approving transactions on a trading platform) by using a two-layer security protocol that operates in a fully distributed, peer-to-peer manner.

The BidiPass blockchain architecture is based on a hybrid approach that combines private and public blockchains to not only achieve security and performance but also keep the operational costs extremely low.

BidiPass is deeply aligned with the ethos of decentralization. Our goal is to create a solution that will adapt to technological innovations and greater infrastructure security in the long term.

The BidiPass integration with Securer will be announced in international media shortly. Stay tuned for the updates. More information on and social networks below.




Bringing security to all digital interactions