The Meaning of BidShore

Published in
1 min readAug 8, 2019

So you might be wondering why we named it “BidShore”?

The term “Shore” grew out of an inspiration taken from the existence of the two main constants of our planet, which are Land & Water and the connections where they meet are known as SHORES. In the old days of maritime trading, massive wooden merchant ships from different places would travel across the oceans to sell their goods to the customers waiting at the shores.

The term “Bid” was given because our business model involves the bidding process.

BidShore is where both customers and merchants meet like land and water through the process of bidding”.

At BidShore, we take this concept and apply it to our modern and digital world with our innovative on-demand discounts platform. The restaurants act as the merchants, who have goods to distribute and the customers will be there to consume those goods!

This is how our name “BidShore” came to fruition.

