City of Pittsburgh: Cross Cultural Training RFP

Sascha Haselmayer
Published in
1 min readNov 7, 2019


Release Date: July 2nd, 2019

Questions Deadline: July 19, 2019 by 3pm EDT

Submissions Deadline: August 9th, 2019 by 3pm EDT

The City of Pittsburgh is seeking to create a cultural competency training for the Public Safety Academies that utilizes in-person instructors, instructional video modules as well as collaboration with local community leaders.

Who should bid

Vendors that can the deliver the described services.

Next steps

1. Access RFP19000419 on and register as a vendor to stay updated on potential addenda.

2. Send questions to Cody Winiesdorffer at by July 19th at 3pm EDT

3. Submit your proposal electronically through by August 9th at 3pm EDT

Evaluation Criteria

All proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Firm’s Qualifications, Experience and References
  • Qualifications of Team
  • Project Approach and Plan
  • Cost Proposal

Originally published at



Sascha Haselmayer

Passionate about The Slow Lane, real change, social + city innovation, delightful procurement @ Ashoka fmr Fellow @ New America | Founder/CEO Citymart