Leah Konen Switched Gears to Write a Thrilling New Novel

An interview with the author of All the Broken People

Nicholas Barron
Literairyland Lite


Leah Konen made her start writing young adult novels. But she found herself gravitating toward a different kind of story.

That’s why Konen wrote All the Broken People (paid link), a domestic thriller that came out on June 30. It’s Konen’s first adult novel and it’s racking up rave reviews.

“Even the biggest thriller fan will struggle to guess the ending of this twisty, gorgeously written debut,” Rolling Stone magazine wrote. The Kirkus review said, “Konen proves herself a master of weaving webs that slowly contract, strangling characters in the threads.” And Marie Claire included All the Broken People on its most-anticipated books of 2020 list.

Konen talks in the interview below about going from a small town to New York City, switching from young adult to writing a thriller, and more.

Q & A with Leah Konen

Bidwell Hollow © 2020

Can you tell us a little bit about…



Nicholas Barron
Literairyland Lite

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