Pitch Your Business in a Video

bidx Thoughts


Did you know that you can add a Video Pitch to your Business Plan on our portals? Maybe you are wondering if shooting a video is really worth your time. Or you might be wondering what a good video pitch looks like.

Is it worth your time?

Investors, mentors and other users on our portals can rate business. These ratings vary between 1 to 5 stars. We wanted to find out if there is a correlation between the presence of video pitches and the rating a business receives.

As you can see in the following graph, a higher percentage of business with 4 or 5 stars rating have a video pitch, compared to those with a 3 stars rating or less.

A Video Pitches might get your Business Proposal a higher rating

Few entrepreneurs make use of the video pitch to present their business ideas to investors. We believe you should not miss out on this opportunity! In the following section, we provide you with some tips on how to create a good video pitch.

What makes a good video pitch?

In brief, your video pitch should include the following points:

  1. Who are you? Where are you from?
  2. What problem is your business solving?
  3. What is your solution? (the value proposition)
  4. How much do you expect to sell this year and next year?
  5. How much finance do you need? Why? What have you invested?

Read this document for more tips!

When shooting your pitch in a video, these are some things to keep in mind:

  • Practice your pitch in the mirror
  • Dress to impress
  • Choose a quiet location with minimum distractions
  • Make sure there is enough space on your recording device and your battery is charged (a smartphone may be good enough)
  • Share with friends to get feedback before sharing it with the world

Read this document for more tips!

Improve your completion score

Additionally, be informed that businesses with more complete profiles receive a higher ratings on our platform. We automatically calculate how complete a business profile is, and give them a completion score. As you can see below, business with higher scores, receive a higher rating by investors and other users of our platform.

More complete Business Proposals get better Ratings

In order to improve your completion score, we suggest you make sure you have completed as many fields as possible in your Business Summary and your Entrepreneur Profile. You will especially earn some extra points if you have completed your financial details, including financial forecasts for a few years to come. Furthermore, your completion score will shoot up if you include a few of your team members, and if you add a Company to your summary.

Good luck!



bidx Thoughts

A web-services company with a mission to scale up entrepreneurship in emerging markets