What Happens When We Actually Understand Collaborative Innovation

Business Innovation Factory
BIF Speak
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2017

Our mantra at BIF is “Connect, Inspire, Transform.” We cannot get better faster if we don’t do it together, to learn from one another, to grow. We’ve been practicing our these abilities through our work and at our Annual Collaborative Innovation Summit for the past 14 years, catalyzing reactions within storytellers and audience alike. But what exactly IS collaborative innovation? What does that look like? And how has it become the imperative of the 21st-century?

Our Chief Market Maker, Eli MacLaren, has spent the better part of her career studying and applying this concept and will explore it in depth over a three part series, addressing these pivotal questions:

1. How do people self-organize in purposeful ways?

2. How do they network their gifts and talents together to solve problems, create value, find joy, and make meaning?

3. How do they grow and transform over time creating the evolutionary transitions that we understand as progress?

In order to successfully create actionable foundations for change, we need to have a baseline understanding of the what and the how of collaborative innovation in order for us to do a better job at self-organizing in a more purposeful, powerful way.

We’re excited to share this series with you in the hope that it will light a spark and start catalyzing a reaction within your network. When we connect outside our normal silos, we build our network of capabilities and gain the most by experiencing change through the lens of others. Transformation also requires an emotional connection to the work. When we feel involved, when we feel like we are an essential part of the story, only then do we begin to really see transformation start to happen.

And only then will we truly make transformational change in our most vital systems a reality together.

Stay tuned.


Part 1

Part 2



Business Innovation Factory
BIF Speak

We make business model transformation safer and easier to manage for institutional leaders in our most vital service sectors. Tweets by @theBIF