Bifrost Asgard — 30 Validators slots for testers.Weekly Report 17

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The first week of the second half of 2020 was busy and fulfilling. DeFi, which is currently hot due to liquidity mining, has also become a hot topic in recent discussions. It took only one year for DeFi’s total lock volume from 560 million US dollars to now exceed 2 billion US dollars, with an increase of 257%. A thriving scene gives people the illusion that DeFi is the next outlet in the blockchain industry. But if you have experienced the 2018 Dapp craze, you may find that all of this seems familiar. “Is DeFi like a flash in the Dapp boom?”, “What are the current difficulties?”, “Is DeFi easier than CeFi for users to pay for it?”, etc. These questions are all on Web3.0 Bootcamp DeFi on Thursday It was discussed in the live broadcast. Bifrost, Acala, and Stafi as Polkadot’s DeFi project gave a more pertinent answer. Missed friends can find a text version of the discussion in Bifrost Wiki (editing).

With the gradual improvement of development, Bifrost will release Bifrost Asgard CC2 (Asgard Chain Candidate 2) for public testing on July 21. This version of the Candidate chain is expected to open 30 Validators for testing, while EOS cross-chain, node running, Validator testing will be the main incentive direction. Before the release of the node version, detailed rules and test participation tutorials will be published in Bifrost Wiki, please stay tuned.

Development Week’s Work

  • Internal trading pool algorithm upgrade, reduce slippage, improve liquidity
  • Refactored Assets module to reduce calling complexity
  • Dashboard supports Assets display
  • Validator Stake module development
  • Github repository updated from bifrost-codes to bifrost-finance

Operation Week’s Work

  • Asgard CC2 preparation
  • Wiki English version has been updated to AMA-02
  • The Wiki Chinese version of the AMA article has all been updated
  • Deploy overseas activities

What is Bifrost ?

Bifrost is the DeFi project for PoS tokens, that include staking and liquidity both. It allows to get vToken for operations and delivering liqidity, plus you got staking rewards all the time your DOT, KSM,EOS or other token blocked by the smart-contract. You get reward from the Day 1 of nomination, without locking periods and can change your, for example, vKSM for KSM any time. BNC is the native token of Bifrost.

vToken can optimize transactions in multiple scenarios such as DeFi, Dapp, DEX, etc. When vToken is used as a collateral for lending, its staking income can offset part of the interest and realize low-interest borrowing.

With vToken you can hedge the risk of locked positions, DeFi & Staking double rewards and leverage Staking and other application scenarios.

What is Bifrost ?

Bifrost is the DeFi project for PoS tokens, that include staking and liquidity both. It allows to get vToken for operations and delivering liqidity, plus you got staking rewards all the time your DOT, KSM,EOS or other token blocked by the smart-contract. You get reward from the Day 1 of nomination, without locking periods and can change your, for example, vKSM for KSM any time. BNC is the native token of Bifrost.

vToken can optimize transactions in multiple scenarios such as DeFi, Dapp, DEX, etc. When vToken is used as a collateral for lending, its staking income can offset part of the interest and realize low-interest borrowing.

With vToken you can hedge the risk of locked positions, DeFi & Staking double rewards and leverage Staking and other application scenarios.


