Bifrost 2022 June Monthly Report

Technological Developments

Bifrost v0.9.43

  • repair docker-image.yml
  • Add Treasury loan integration test
  • Update repair ci script

Bifrost v0.9.44

  • Farming 2.0 module online
  • Upgrade polkadot dependency to 0.9.22
  • Add the startup node information in the chainspec json file

Dapp v1.3.2

  • Optimize overall performance
  • Launch Bond Market
  • Update the second round of Rainbow Boost activities
  • Optimize the display of wallet assets


  • The Farming 2.0 module is live, adding functions such as weight mining and redemption waiting period. DAPP front-end docking is in progress, and it is expected to be launched in early July.
  • SALP 2.0 front-end is online, and users can use to experience new functions: the pricing exchange between Bond market and vsBond ⇔ vsKSM.
    The new functions can effectively improve the liquidity of vsBond in user’s hands.
  • With the launch of SALP 2.0, Dapp launched Rainbow Boost 2.0, aiming to activate users to complete the chain behavior related to the new version of functions, accumulate raindrop scores, and obtain the latest Bifrost NFT “Back to Asgard” whitelist access.
  • The SLP protocol is in the process to borrow liquidity from the Kusama Treasury of 50k KSM. The adoption of this proposal will accelerate the basic liquidity construction of vKSM and enrich the use-case scenarios of KSM. Vote here: -rpc. polkadot. io#/democracy


  • On June 6, Bob Liu, the core developer of Bifrost, was invited to participate in the Polkadot Hackathon 2022. With the theme of minting cross chain SLP vToken, he showed Bifrost Dapp cross chain and related codes to cross chain enthusiasts:
  • On June 7, the first live event of the Dotsama ecosystem was held in Prague. Our Growth Manager Christian, on behalf of Bifrost, participated to a community round table and hosted a panel to discuss the features of the Polkadot community with other guests from Interlay and Subsquid.
  • On June 23, the first article about the NFT “Back to Asgard” Collection was released. As part of the reward to join the Rainbow Boost, Back to Asgard will present 3 different characters with their own traits and rarity. They will be launched soon.
  • This article brings us a preliminary understanding of Odin, Thor and Loki, exploring the Norse Mythology background of the NFT collection, the whitelist dynamics and the design team behind the project. A total of 50 NFT whitelists will be awarded to the top 50 addresses with the highest raindrop points after the Rainbow Boost event!
  • On June 29, Bifrost Growth Manager Christian and Community Leader Thomas, were invited to participate at the Polkadot Decoded in Berlin, one of the biggest events of the ecosystem. Christian, in particular, was invited to host a panel at the Student Hotel, organized by our partners of Pendulum. During the event, they exchanged opinions and visions with some of the most active players in the whole ecosystem and set up for future cooperations with them.
  • On June 29, Polkadot Decoded 2022 was held simultaneously in Berlin, New York, Mexico and Hangzhou. Bifrost participated in the activities in Berlin and Hangzhou respectively. At the same time, Bob Liu, the core developer, shared cross chain derivatives and another Polkadot security sharing segment at the Hangzhou decoded keynote speech on the afternoon of June 30.
  • On June 29, the second round of the Rainbow Boost event was successfully launched. This time, Rainbow Boost will reward raindrop to users who complete the vsBond convert, Kusama crowdloan SALP voting, purchase KSM bond, add vsKSM/KSM liquidity and cast vKSM, in order to get BNC lucky airdrop after the event and many other benefits at

