Bifrost has successfully registered Rococo V1, awaiting for test-parachain, Weekly Report 40



  • Deploy Bifrost Rococo v1 Validator and Collator
  • Register as Rococo v1 Parachain & Analog Access Process
  • Local deployment of relay chain for simulation test of slot bidding
  • XCMP cross-chain protocol code combing
  • NPoS consensus Slash level and classification
  • Grandpa and Babe underlying design principles
  • Bifrost.js is compatible with the latest code base
  • Bifrost governance module design
  • Mint Drop Phase 2 Frontend Page Design
  • Bifrost Dapp v2

○ Built based on umijs

○ Internationalization plug-in multi-language

○ add UI

○ add TailwindCss

○ add styled-components

○ add storybook

○ storybook quote ant.desgin / tailwindCss


What is Bifrost ?

Bifrost is a Polkadot Ecosystem DeFi infrastructure protocol that aims to become an infrastructure for providing Staking liquidity, and currently offers a derivative vToken for Staking and Polkadot Lease Offering (PLO). It is also a member of the Substrate Builders Program and Web3 Bootcamp. vToken can optimise transactions in multiple scenarios such as DeFi, DApp, DEX and CEX.

vToken can optimise transactions in multiple scenarios such as DeFi, DApp, DEX and CEX. vToken can be used to realise the transfer channel of governance right such as Staking and PLO to hedge the risk of Staking assets. In extended scenarios such as when vToken is used as collateral for lending, the staking proceeds can offset part of the interest and realise low-interest lending.

