Bifrost’s leading reward plan adjusted, becoming Asgard Hero and winning thousands of BNC rewards

Kusama’s 4th Parachain slot auction has entered the final sprint stage. The Ending Period Candle Auction will be officially started at block #8,251,581 of the Kusama relay chain, approximately at 8:30 on July 8, GMT. The final winner will be elected at 9:00 on July 13th, GMT.

Learn what is Candle Auction:

Check Kusama parachain auction full schedule:

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Leading Reward Plan & Asgard Hero

In order to secure the 4th Parachain slot, Bifrost needs to maintain a continuous lead. To this end, Bifrost has launched a gradient leading reward strategy, with rewards up to 250%. When Bifrost is the first candidate in the 4th Auction and is ahead of the second candidate by certain KSM amount, all contributors can receive additional bonuses.

Simultaneously, the address that achieves the leading goal will become the Asgard hero. When Bifrost loses leading, the leading goal will fall back, and the Asgard hero will be reset. The Asgard hero who remains after the auction will receive additional BNC rewards.

To be a Hero:

Deadline: The Leading Reward will be extended to 9:00 on July 13th, GMT.

Check the real-time bidding ranking:

Bifrost Parachain auction advantages

Bifrost will initiate the Token Generation Election proposal after the parachain is launched. Once the proposal is passed, all mainnet BNC vouchers will be converted to native tokens and the transfer will be initiated. 50% BNC reward will be released immediately, and the remaining part will be released linearly within 48 weeks.

Participating in the Bifrost crowdloan has generous rewards and bonding with KSM liquidity. Compared with airdrop activities of other projects, it has a great advantage.

Auction participation channels

In terms of Crowdloan, Bifrost facilitates users to participate in voting through multiple channels.

1. Bifrost official participation channel: vsKSM Mint Drop

The vsKSM Mint Drop participation page integrates Bifrost’s original parachain bonding liquidity protocol SALP. Participate in voting to obtain vsKSM and vsBond derivatives, which can be used to unlock liquidity during the bonding period.

Participating address:

Check the minting tutorial here:

2. Kusama official parachain Crowdloan

Bifrost will create Bifrost-Kusama-Crowdloan before 2021–6–15, and users can participate directly through the Kusama relay chain.

Participating address:

3. Multi-participation channels

Bifrost has already reached Crowdloan support channel cooperation with many project parties, wallets and decentralized exchanges.

Decentralized wallet: Bifrost cooperated with Fearless Wallet, Math Wallet, etc. to support Bifrost parachain auctions on the mobile side.

Centralized exchange: Kraken / OKEx / MXC / Gate supports Bifrost Parachain Crowdloan.

vsKSM Mint Drop has aggregated all participating channels:

What is Bifrost?

Bifrost is the Polkadot Ecological DeFi basic protocol. It is committed to becoming an infrastructure for pledged assets to provide liquidity. Bifrost launched derivatives vToken for Staking and Polkadot Parachain Slot (Crowdloan). It has obtained $2.15M in fund-raising from NGC, SNZ, DFG, CMS and other institutions and Web3 Foundation Grant. It is also a member of Substrate Builders Program and Web3 Bootcamp.

vToken can optimize transactions in multiple scenarios such as DeFi, DApp, DEX, CEX, and realize the transfer channel of pledge rights such as staking and Crowdloan through vToken, realize the risk hedging of pledge assets, and expand scenarios such as vToken as collateral for lending, its staking reward part of the interest can be offset to achieve low-interest loans.

Learn more about Bifrost

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