Bifrost Asgard CC2 Competitions for BNC will launch July 21. More than 15000 BNC is waiting for brave and smart!

It has been nearly two months since Asgard CC1 (Candidate Chain 1) was released on May 21. In the past two months, Bifrost has made overall optimization and promotion in the Node, Validator and EOS cross-chain functions. In terms of nodes, the Swap algorithm has been upgraded to support more Token liquidity. In the future, vToken can be exchanged through the Convert runtime, or vToken can be purchased directly through the Swap runtime.

It is worth mentioning that EOS Round trip cross-chain has changed from single-node signature to multi-node signature in CC2, making cross-chain completion even higher! We plan to open EOS cross-chain in CC2 for activities to encourage users to participate in cross-chain testing. At present, you can connect to the EOS Jungle Testnet node through a wallet or Cleos to initiate cross-chain transfer transactions.

In addition, the Validator campaign will be launched in CC2, so that all nodes in CC1 can participate in the block verification of the CC2 network. At the same time, the Validator will also be included in our incentive plan. Users can receive the Test Token ASG at the Faucet for staking and nomination operations to complete the Validator campaign.

Comparison of CC1 and CC2

Bifrost Asgard CC2 will be released at 12 am on July 21(UTC+8). Full node running, Validator, EOS cross-chain (vEOS exchange), and three directions of incentives will be used to cooperate with the CC2 network. Make Bifrost more robust by testing network parameter settings, multi-signature logic, and running load. This Asgard CC2 incentive is divided into three modules, namely the Node Duration Competition, EOS Cross-chain Contest, and Validator King Contest! The start and end time of the three activity modules are from July 21st to August 21st, and the total prize is up to 15,000 BNC! Compete for BNC and win CC2!

Node Duration Competition

Total prize: 5,000 BNC

Participation: Accumulated time points of running Bifrost Asgard node during the campaign time.

Node list:

Node operation tutorial:


  • The longer the node is running, the more rewards will be divided.
  • Record a Time Point every minute.
  • After the campaign, 5,000 BNC will be divided according to Time Point.

EOS Cross-chain Contest

Total prize: 6,000 BNC


(1) Cross-chain transfer of EOS test coins during the campaign period, the cumulative number of cross-chains accounts for 70% of the weight.

(2) The amount of vEOS exchanged during the campaign period, the cumulative vEOS balance accounts for 30% of the weight.

EOS cross-chain list:

EOS cross-chain tutorial:


  • EOS Round trip cross-chain is divided into EOS Testnet transfer to Asgard CC2 and Asgard CC2 transfer to EOS Testnet.
  • EOS testnet - Asgard CC2, EOS amount needs ≥ 50, counts 1 cross-chain.
  • Asgard CC2 - EOS testnet, EOS amount needs ≥ 50, counts 1 cross-chain
  • Convert EOS to vEOS through Bifrost.
  • After the campaign, 6,000 BNC will be divided according to the number of EOS cross-chains (70% weight) and vEOS balance (30% weight).

Validator King Contest

Total prize: 4,000 BNC

Participation: Snapshot at the end of the campaign time, successfully elected as Asgard CC2 Validator.

Quantity list:

Validator tutorial:


  • Asgard CC2 opens 50 validator slots.
  • Receive ASG from Telegram Faucet community. Staking + Nomination of the top 50 ASG nodes to be elected Validator.
  • Every 3 hours (1 ERA 1800 BLOCK), validators are re-elected based on the total staking amount.

The above are the incentive directions and rules of the Bifrost Asgard CC2 Node Campaign. You can start configuring Docker, join the Telegram Faucet community, create an EOS testnet account, view tutorials, and be prepared in advance to participate in the Asgard CC2 incentive activities for the first time.

Steps to join the Competition:

The above are the incentive directions and rules of the Bifrost Asgard CC2 Node Campaign.

  • You can start with “configuring Docker”

Node Duration Campaign:
Validator Tutorial:

EOS Testnet Account Registeration:
EOS Cross-chain Transfer + Test Token Collection:

  • View tutorials

and be prepared in advance to participate in the Asgard CC2 incentive activities.

What is Bifrost ?

Bifrost is the DeFi project for PoS tokens, that include staking and liquidity both. It allows to get vToken for operations and delivering liqidity, plus you got staking rewards all the time your DOT, KSM,EOS or other token blocked by the smart-contract. You get reward from the Day 1 of nomination, without locking periods and can change your, for example, vKSM for KSM any time. BNC is the native token of Bifrost.

vToken can optimize transactions in multiple scenarios such as DeFi, Dapp, DEX, etc. When vToken is used as a collateral for lending, its staking income can offset part of the interest and realize low-interest borrowing.

With vToken you can hedge the risk of locked positions, DeFi & Staking double rewards and leverage Staking and other application scenarios.


