Dapp diary #01 — Assets cross-chain

Hello everyone, Bifrost has successfully bidded the slot to become a parachain of Kusama after a long period of development and accumulation. Our actual business is finally going online gradually. The most convenient and safe way for users to use Bifrost’s products is through official Bifrost Dapp. So this will be a new series to share with you the latest progress of our Dapp development and our thoughts on the product, design, and experience in the process. Everyone is also very welcome to communicate and provide valuable opinions!

Today’s topic is asset cross-chaining. We all know that the most important asset in the Kusama ecosystem is its native asset, the KSM, which is recorded on the Kusama Relay chain. If you want to use KSM on Bifrost (e.g. to vote for Crowdloan on Kusama using the SALP protocol that will be coming soon) you must first cross the KSM on the Kusama Relay Chain into the Bifrost Parachain.

Bifrost Dapp Address: bifrost.app

How do I view the assets of my relay chain?

You can easily view some of your current main assets by clicking on the Quick Asset Display module in the top right hand corner of the Bifrost Dapp. At the bottom of the floating layer we display the number of KSM assets you have on your relay chain for easy follow-up.

Quickly crossing over assets

At this stage, for potential users of Bifrost, crossing over assets should be a much more frequent operation and one that is almost essential for subsequent use. We have therefore provided a quick entry point for this particularly high frequency operation. There is no additional setup required after clicking on crossover in the quick asset floating layer, we automatically set Kusama to crossover out of the chain and Bifrost to crossover into the chain. All the user has to do is fill in the amount they want to cross in and submit the request.

Generic asset cross-chain functionality

In addition to quick transfers, there is also a need to cross assets back to the relay chain, and as our business becomes more complex and the number of interactions between parachains increases, the need for a variety of cross-chains will gradually increase. In the current version we provide a simple generic cross-chain functionality module in the wallet module. Users can freely choose to cross in/out. When crossing out, you can choose to cross out to any address. The cross-in defaults to the address currently in use by the Dapp (we have considered the freedom to select an address in the case of a cross-in, but this is more of a relay chain operation than a Bifrost operation. (Balancing ease of operation and user mindedness, we are not offering something like this for now). For the time being we only have cross-chaining with relays, but we can reveal that we will be supporting more cross-chaining objects soon.

Using the Generic Asset Cross-Chain module users can re-cross a transfer to the Bifrost KSM back to the Kusama parachain.

Next Step

The current cross-chain functionality is basically sufficient for common usage scenarios at this stage, and we will run it for a while to see the feedback. Once the main features of SALP are live and stable, we plan to reorganize and upgrade the generic cross-chain asset module to provide richer configuration options and find a better balance between efficiency and functionality. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment and we will see you in the next issue!

