Let’s welcome our Ambassadors


Recently Bifrost started with the Ambassador program. Today we can announce that the first spots are filled. Bifrost ambassadors are community builders. They are the power that brings Bifrost the ability to deliver the platform worldwide.

Participants who applied for the program but didn’t get a spot will be informed to join our second and third wave in a later stage.

Let’s welcome our ambassadors:

Maarten Henskens: Maarten is a modern Renaissance man with experience in community management, business, and web development.

Cyril Elbaz: Cyril is a financial specialist. He speaks, writes several languages fluently. Manager of a large Swiss crypto community.

Vincent Lionheart: Vincent leads a strong Turkish community with growth hacking skills.

Vlady Limes: Vlad is a photo and video professional with great community skills.

Olga Popova: Olga is a specialist in marketing, copywriter, and newsmaker. Followed by a loyal community

Photo by You X Ventures on Unsplash

Bifrost Ambassador Program launched in collaboration with Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam.

What is the PromoTeam?

PromoTeam — is the international team of Polkadot fans with experience in different activities: sales growth, business communications and strategy, promotion, advertising, mathematics, programming, entrepreneurship, and many others. Our main task — increase the value of the Substrate ecosystem by involving many people focused on scaling the product and community. Our goal — to give the Polkadot and Substrate community the real utility to promote Substrate projects.

What is Bifrost

Bifrost is the DeFi project for PoS tokens, which include both staking and liquidity. It is developed based on Substrate and built on the Polkadot network. As a DeFi project in the Polkadot ecosystem, Bifrost users can swap PoS Tokens into vTokens through the Bifrost Protocol at any time to obtain Staking rewards and liquidity. Getting rewards from the first day, without any locking periods. BNC is Bifrost native token.

Website https://bifrost.finance/
Github https://github.com/bifrost-finance
Telegram https://t.me/bifrost_finance
Medium https://medium.com/@bifrost_finance
Twitter https://twitter.com/bifrost_finance

International communities:

🇫🇷 French | https://t.me/bifrost_france
🇮🇹 Italian | https://t.me/bifrost_Italian
🇹🇷 Turkish | https://t.me/bifrost_turkish
🇷🇺 Russian | https://t.me/bifrostrus

