
Bifrost is the ultimate cross-chain L1 blockchain welcoming all DApps!

BiFi Pooling: LP Token Pool Rewards Migrating to SushiSwap Liquidity



Today, BiFi will be migrating BiFi Pooling LP token pool rewards from Uniswap to SushiSwap liqudity. The migration process begins on Thursday, September 2 at 5 AM UTC.

⚠️ Existing Users ⚠️

To continue earning rewards on your Uniswap LP tokens, you will need to withdraw your Uniswap LP tokens and migrate them to SushiSwap liquidity.

How to migrate your LP tokens to SushiSwap

Before starting the SushiSwap LP token migration process, you must withdraw BFC-ETH and/or BiFi-ETH LP tokens on BiFi Pooling.

Step 1. Withdrawing LP tokens from BiFi Pooling

  1. Go to Click Withdraw below My Deposited LP Tokens.

2. Set the withdraw amount to its maximum. Then, click Withdraw.

3. Withdrawing LP tokens will incur Ethereum gas fees. Click Confirm on your MetaMask to confirm spending the gas fees.

4. You have now successfully withdrawn your UNI-V2 LP tokens to your MetaMask.

Step 2. Migrating Uniswap Liquidity to SushiSwap

  1. Go to
  2. Click Connect to a wallet and connect your MetaMask.

3. Click Non-hardware Wallet and your Uniswap Liquidity pool will be shown.

4. Click BFC/WETH or BiFi/WETH. If you have both, you must migrate for both pools separately.

5. Select MAX. Then click Migrate.

6. Click Sign to confirm Signature Request on your MetaMask.

7. Migrating LP tokens will incur Ethereum gas fees. Click Confirm on your MetaMask to confirm spending the gas fees.

8. You have now successfully migrated your BFC-ETH LP tokens to SushiSwap. If you have BiFi-ETH LP tokens on BiFi Pooling, repeat Step 1 to migrate the liquidity.

Step 3. Adding SushiSwap LP (SLP) tokens to MetaMask

Option 1:

  1. Click Add Token on the bottom-right of the BiFi page.

2. Select BFC-ETH or BiFi-ETH pair.

3. Select Add Token to complete adding the SushiSwap LP (SLP) token.

You are now ready to deposit SLP tokens on BiFi Pooling. Go to and start earning BiFi rewards!

Option 2:

  1. On your MetaMask, select Add Token under Assets. Then click Custom Token.

2. Copy and paste the address of each token below to add SushiSwap LP (SLP) token.

  • BFC-WETH Contract Address: 0x281Df7fc89294C84AfA2A21FfEE8f6807F9C9226
  • BiFi-WETH Contract Address: 0x0beC54c89a7d9F15C4e7fAA8d47ADEdF374462eD

You are now ready to deposit SLP tokens on BiFi Pooling. Go to and start earning BiFi rewards!

BiFi Pooling: Adding New Liquidity on SushiSwap to receive SLP tokens

  1. Go to and click Add Liquidity to BFC-ETH Pair on SushiSwap. Or, go to and click Select a token.

2. Search BFC or BiFi and select the token.

3. To add liquidity, input the same amount of ETH and BFC. Then, click Approve BFC.

4. Click Confirm on your MetaMask.

5. Click Confirm Adding Liquidity.

6. Click Confirm Supply.

7. Adding liquidty to SushiSwap will incur Ethereum gas fees. Click Confirm on your MetaMask to confirm spending the gas fees.

8. Transaction has been submitted. You can view the transaction on Etherscan by clicking View on explorer.

9. Once the transaction is complete, ‘Add ETH and BFC’ will appear on the top right corner.

You are now ready to deposit SLP tokens on BiFi Pooling. Go to and start earning BiFi rewards!

  • If you didn’t add SLP tokens to your MetaMask yet, refer to Step 3: Adding SushiSwap LP (SLP) tokens to MetaMask


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Published in Bifrost

Bifrost is the ultimate cross-chain L1 blockchain welcoming all DApps!


Written by BiFi

The first and truly multichain DeFi platform powered by Bifrost

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