Bifrost Partners | Bifrost X Reef Finance

Published in
2 min readOct 20, 2020

Bifrost has partnered with Reef Finance, a Polkadot-based cross-chain smart asset management platform. This partnership will demonstrate the power of Bifrost’s multichain technology and highlight our seamless integration to grow and scale the Decentralized App (DApp) ecosystem.

Built on Polkadot, Reef Finance is a suite of cutting edge DeFi services and Bifrost will provide the technology to expand Reef’s platform, while ensuring its security. Reef offers its users a smart liquidity aggregator and yield engine that enables trading with access to liquidity from both CEXes and DEXes while offering smart lending, borrowing, staking, mining through AI driven personalized Reef Yield Engine.

“I am excited to work with a team of the caliber of Bifrost to bring high TPS to DeFi end users everywhere” — CEO of Reef Finance Denko Mancheski

Bifrost will work closely with Reef to bring cross-chain DeFi to the world. The flexibility, scalability, and interoperability of Bifrost will enable Reef and other DeFi services to build on multiple blockchain protocols, bringing a new network of collaborators critical to expand the currently limited DeFi ecosystem. Bifrost and Reef share a vision of connecting the fragmented DeFi ecosystem, and we are very excited to work together with Reef to build the future of finance.

About Bifrost

Bifrost is a middleware platform that enables developers to create Decentralized Applications (DApps) on top of multiple protocols. Bifrost is not restrained to a single Blockchain, and creates a new environment where developers can combine the best protocols. Developers are able to use Bifrost to develop a substantially more scalable and flexible DApp by selecting the target blockchain on Bifrost.

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