Axyon AI Joins the Big Data Protocol Data Alliance Adding MSCI Europe SRI ESG Scoring

Kevin Joy
Big Data Protocol
Published in
4 min readJun 9, 2022

Axyon AI, an award-winning fintech company bringing AI-driven predictive solutions to the asset management industry, joins the Big Data Protocol Data Alliance.

Axyon AI provides a suite of AI solutions that use leading-edge artificial intelligence/deep learning technology to support asset managers in improving alpha generation and portfolio management.

Headquartered out of Modena, Italy, Axyon AI works closely with the renowned computer sciences faculty at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia to stay at the cutting edge of global developments in deep learning. Their technology and strong commitment to quality and value have encouraged worldwide partners and customers, including ING Ventures (Netherlands), Unicredit (Italy), and Nikko Global Wrap (Japan), to trust their capabilities of bringing AI-powered value towards alpha generation.

Their first BDP data marketplace product will be Axyon AI ESG Top 10 Stocks (focused on the MSCI Europe SRI), driven from their AI ESG Top 30 Strategy which uses an active and systematic investment style based on machine learning algorithms to trade a portfolio of 30 stocks that are expected to beat the MSCI Europe SRI index. Everyday Axyon AI’s models leverage ESG data as well as other input variables to rank MSCI Europe SRI constituents according to their predicted performance at a 60-day horizon. The strategy invests 3.3% in each of the top 30 stocks of the ranking. Rebalancing is carried out weekly and transaction costs are modeled with an average 5 basis points round-trip spread.

Process & technology

Axyon AI’s proprietary technology consists of (i) an auto-ML platform (Axyon AI Platform), and (ii) Axyon IRIS®. The Axyon AI Platform is a software tool that allows automatic development of ML/DL-based predictive models for financial time-series data. On top of this Platform, Axyon AI has built Axyon IRIS®, a customer-facing product delivering AI-powered predictions and portfolio overlays.

Axyon AI’s technology has been developed according to three fundamental pillars:

All steps needed to build AI models from the ground up are fully automated: from input data selection, cleaning and preprocessing to the ptimizedon and selection of the best performing models, including ML and Deep Learning models and their seamless delivery to production systems.

AI models are designed, ptimized and tested to handle a wide range of input conditions. The meta-optimization favours models exhibiting stable and consistent performance over time against models displaying irregular and noisy performance profiles.

Axyon AI Platform natively supports state-of-the-art AI explainability techniques that can be used to shed light on ML models’ learning process and obtain insights into the main drivers causing a specific model to output a particular prediction.

Axyon AI’s technology performs:

  • Predictions: The machine learning models (deep neural networks) are trained to predict the probability that any given asset in the target investable universe will outperform the others over a given time horizon. The models are trained on historical data of target assets and context indicators, and the output of these models is used to create a ranking of all the assets in the investment universe.
  • Investment strategies that use an active and systematic investment style based on machine learning and deep learning predictions

Prediction Horizon

The Axyon AI ESG Top 30 Strategy is powered by machine learning signals with a 60-day horizon. The choice of this time horizon is motivated by internal research aimed at maximizing the effectiveness of Axyon AI’s standard feature sets a model architecture.

For more information on Axyon AI ESG Top 10 Data Product, please visit the BDP Data Market.

AI-Driven Solutions for ESG investors


Axyon AI brings breakthrough automated machine learning and AI for investment. We serve the asset management industry with AI-ready-to-use solutions to generate highly accurate predictions and boost returns.

Get in Touch

Axyon AI SRL
Modena, Italy
Phone: +39 059 7880067
VAT ID: IT03719450367

Press Kit: Axyon AI In the Press


Big Data Protocol is a DeFi protocol powering a Web3 data marketplace. The Protocol tokenizes commercially valuable data through a network of >22,000 professional data providers and makes the data token liquid on Uniswap. Users earn data by providing liquidity to data tokens.

The Protocol has a vast existing ecosystem of professional data providers by leveraging Amass Insights, founded in 2015 by our co-founders, Jordan Hauer and Mark Donovick. Amass Insights connects >22,000 commercial data providers with over 10,000 consumers of data, who are primarily investment managers.

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