BDP Community Commentaries 5/15/21

Kevin Joy
Big Data Protocol
Published in
1 min readMay 15, 2021

Our seventh community update follows big news out of BDP. We announced that our hotly anticipated datatoken — bBETA — is coming up.

In addition, IDOs are in the air! Our third IDO launched this week, letting users trade and add liquidity to a dataset with regulatory news analytics for the equities market. Despite volatile gas prices, updates to the Data Market yielded a far smoother experience for users, resolving bugs that had impacted previous IDOs.

Note 1: This is not a complete list of everything we are working on. We have to keep certain plans and details under wraps until we are ready to announce them publicly.

The team works 7 days a week. We are relentless.

Note 2: Keep expectations in check. A meeting does not mean a partnership results from it.


Project updates


  • Firming up Data Room frontend for bBETA
  • Subgraph issues fixed; additional Data Market enhancements
  • Discussing BSC migration
  • Developer & Product Manager interviews

General & Business Development

  • Preparing bBETA datasets
  • Reviewing additional China Marketing agencies & partners in China to add community management support
  • Community initiatives underway: adding Mod coordinator to team, improving experience in Telegram & WeChat
  • Operations: adding rigor to financials tracking
Vercingetorix throws down his arms at the feet of Julius Caesar — 1899 painting by Lionel Royer

