BDP Community Commentaries 5/23/21

Kevin Joy
Big Data Protocol
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2021

Last week has been a tough one in crypto. Markets tumbling, investors wringing hands, and omens of an impending bear market ahead. And right next to them, 💎-handed crypto veterans unshaken, annealed in the fires of earlier bear markets, watching as projects with strong fundamentals & long-term value keep working, keep building.

Our eight community update comes at this inflection time. The Big Data Protocol team & our supporters understand that our vision is long-term, that our focus is unwavering and that we keep pushing ahead with plans.

bALPHA emissions ended on May 23, setting up a slam-dunk for our upcoming bBETA announcement.

We have been working to solidify our core community, enhancing our next set of products & growing our team.

Note 1: This is not a complete list of everything we are working on. We have to keep certain plans and details under wraps until we are ready to announce them publicly.

The team works 7 days a week. We are relentless.

Note 2: Keep expectations in check. A meeting does not mean a partnership results from it.


Project updates


  • bBETA staking contracts tested + Frontend changes complete
  • Airdrop details finalized. Contracts tested & deployed
  • Progressed conversation reviewing migration to BSC

General & Business Development

  • Added additional dataset to bBETA collection from publicly-traded trend prediction firm
  • Refocus on Community management (Telegram & WeChat) with Mod team reorganization
  • Additional interviews for developers & product managers
  • General partnership meetings with FIN market data providers & Social Media influencer market data providers
  • Operations updates — set up workflows & systems for financial tracking, employment contracts & compliance
Vercingetorix throws down his arms at the feet of Julius Caesar — 1899 painting by Lionel Royer

