Big Data Protocol’s Liquidity Mining Program and Token Metrics

Peter Chen
Big Data Protocol
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2021

Distribution of BDP and Data Tokens

100% of Initial Circulating Supply Distributed to the Community

BDP: 100% initial circulating supply distributed through seed pools in 6 days. After 6 days, there are no further emissions of BDP for at least 2 months. There have been NO token sales of any kind.

bALPHA: 100% of the total supply of the first data token will be distributed via liquidity mining over three months.

Long term liquidity mining

The Big Data Protocol is designed to incentivize liquidity mining over the long run. Users provide liquidity to earn bALPHA over the course of 3 months. Subsequent data tokens, named bBETA and bGAMMA, will launch after bALPHA, which will further incentivize liquidity.

Token burn

A portion of BDP and data tokens are burned as usage of the Protocol and marketplace grows over time. BDP is burned to access the Protocol as well as the data marketplace, and to pay for fees for dataset submissions by data providers, and provide curation services by curators. Data tokens are burned as they are redeemed for datasets.

How to earn BDP and bALPHA

Step 1: Earn BDP by staking in seed pools

1a) Choose one or more seed pools in the Data Vault

1b) Stake one or more assets

How to stake: connect to Metamask, approve the deposit in Metamask, then deposit the asset.

1c) Earn BDP

24 million BDP, representing 100% of the circulating supply for the first 2 months, will be distributed among 12 seed pools over the course of 6 days (2 million BDP distributed per seed pool).

Step 2: Earn bALPHA by providing liquidity to BDP or bALPHA

2a) Choose the BDP/ETH or bALPHA/ETH liquidity pool in the Data Vault

2b) Provide liquidity on Uniswap to BDP/ETH or bALPHA/ETH

How to provide liquidity on Uniswap:

Acquire ETH and BDP or bALPHA

Click on “Provide Liquidity” in the Data Vault which will take you to Uniswap

Add liquidity on Uniswap to BDP/ETH or bALPHA/ETH

You will receive BDP/ETH LP or bALPHA/ETH LP tokens

2c) Stake LP tokens in the Data Vault

How to stake: connect to Metamask, approve the BDP/ETH LP or bALPHA/ETH LP token in Metamask, then deposit the LP tokens.

2d) Earn bALPHA

Stake BDP/ETH UNI-LP V2 = earn 12000 bALPHA (2/3 of total supply)

Stake bALPHA/ETH UNI-LP V2 = earn 6000 bALPHA (1/3 of total supply)

18000 bALPHA, representing 100% of the total supply, will be distributed among the two liquidity pools. Emissions end after 3 months, in accordance with the chart below.

Token metrics


Total supply: 80 mil

Initial circulating supply in first two months: 24 mil

Staking/liquidity mining rewards — 52 mil (65% of total supply)

— Initial circulating supply (distributed via seed pools): 24 mil (30% of total supply)

— Reserved for future staking/LP rewards: 28 mil (35% of total supply) — locked for at least 2 months, long term vesting

Ecosystem reserve, strategic partnerships, operations, development, and strategic sales — 20 mil (25% of total supply)

— Ecosystem reserve tokens vest over 9 months (starting after 1 week, enforced by smart contract)

— Up to 8 mil (10% of total supply) of the BDP allocated to the ecosystem reserve may be used for future strategic sales, which would be subject to long term vesting. There have been NO token sales as of the date of this article.

Team and advisors — 8 mil (10% of total supply)

— Vesting over 9 months (starting after 1 week, enforced by smart contract)


Total supply: 18000

Liquidity mining rewards: 18000 (100% of total supply)

Liquidity Pools

— Stake BDP/ETH LP = earn 12000 bALPHA (2/3 of supply)

— Stake bALPHA/ETH LP = earn 6000 bALPHA (1/3 of supply)


To be announced.

