Hello and Welcome to by Big Data Blog

The revolution that will transform how we live, work, and think

Dewang Mistry
Big Data Science for Business


“Big data is not a fad technology. It’s transformational.” — Bill Cull


Big Data is an emerging science to analyze vast amount of information and draw sometimes profoundly surprising conclusions from it. It’s more then a buzzword, it’s revolutionary.

It’s a revolution on par with the Internet or perhaps even the printing press. Big data will change the way we think about business, health, politics, education, and innovation in the years to come.

We always wanted to do data analytics but until recently we just didn’t have the hardware and software that were capable enough. Hadoop and cloud computing changed all this. Now a single developer can setup a large Hadoop cluster in the cloud and analyze terabytes of data on their own.

Here on this blog I want to coves technologies related to big data including Hadoop and it’s ecosystem like Hive, Pig & Mahout. I also want to use this blog as my journal to document my journey in becoming a data scientist.

Some of the topics I will cover on this blog:

  • Hardware infrastructure needed to run Hadoop
  • Cloud computing
  • Hadoop core
  • Writing MapReduce jobs
  • Hadoop ecosystem
  • Hive
  • Pig
  • Writing MR jobs in Python
  • Machine Learning
  • Data visualization

So…bookmark this page as there is lots more to come soon.



Dewang Mistry
Big Data Science for Business

Husband, Friend, Photographer, Lifehacker, Web & iOS Developer and Lover of Simplicity in all things...