How To Increase Website Traffic Without Sacrificing Your Brand

Andrew Holliday
Big Hairy Goals
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2019


Would 25,000 website visitors per day help your business?

I’ll answer that for you…yes.

That’s why we all fight to rank on SERPs (search engine results pages) and grab featured snippets. The potential reward is thousands of visitors per day and millions of dollars per year.

The problem is pleasing the 8,000 lbs gorilla that is Google.

This is where 95% of the content companies put out goes bad.

People stop writing things humans will actually want to read in an effort to please the gorilla. Ironically, this is exactly what Google doesn’t want.

Stop keyword stuffing, obsessing over page titles, and worrying about your H2 tags for a moment. Take a step back and put the focus on understanding what your customer wants when they search.

Search Intent

Your goals line up with Google’s far more than you realize. You both want to make searchers happy.

Great Content = Happy Searchers

Happy Searchers = More Searches

More Searches = More Advertising Revenue

More Advertising Revenue = Happy Google

