The Real Reason People Buy

Andrew Holliday
Big Hairy Goals
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2020


Photo by Kevin Wolf on Unsplash

We don’t buy features. Features are the price of doing business. And most of us don’t buy benefits (although benefits are important). We buy to achieve an outcome. Even if we don’t realize it, we’re all asking…

“Will buying this get me from where I am to where I want to be? “

Let’s use marketing software as an example. The features are email marketing, CRM, and landing page builders. Again, features are must-haves to compete, but they’re not going to drive action. The benefits are streamlined processes, efficient funnels, and more leads. These benefits are starting to scratch my itch, but they’re still not quite what tugs my wallet out of my britches.

I purchase expensive marketing software because I see how it will help me become the business pictured in my head. More specifically, it’ll help me achieve success. Success is an outcome, not a benefit.

Sell the outcome.

This logic applies to anyone selling something — which is all of us. People aren’t buying from you for features or benefits. They’re buying from you to achieve something…

More money in the bank.

A skinnier body.

To belong to a community.

