Artificial Intelligence still requires design intelligence

Dennis Hambeukers
BOLT / Big on The Little Things
5 min readSep 26, 2017


For some reason I believed that artificial intelligence (AI) somehow had some magical powers that could solve problems humans couldn’t. I believed that somehow there was a competition between humans and machines that we humans will eventually loose, that the AI was something completely separate from us, a black box. I imagined a technological element that was a creation sprung from pure programming skills, something super intelligent that programmers created that would have super powers that would only increase with the exponential increase in computing power. Ok, maybe I have watched to many science fiction movies. But even the book by Steven van Belleghem, “When digital becomes human”, in which he describes a less scary future in which the combination between human creativity and artificial intelligence is most powerful, still seems to place AI outside ourselves, outside human control. For me the very concept of the Turing test conceptually puts man in competition with AI and separates man from machine. Deep Blue beating Garry Kasparov, Elon Musk warning us against the threat of AI and the increasing amount of films about AI all created an alien image of AI in my head. Seeing AI as a human centered design problem never crossed my mind.

Getting to know Watson

Then I took a deep dive into IBM’s AI: Watson. A colleague of mine had already made a start and a client wanted to experiment with a chatbot as part of the service to its clients. AI at first seemed very complex and daunting, but in an afternoon we had a chatbot up and running in a design prototype that could hold a conversation around a user problem. The interface of IBM’s Watson for conversations is very intuitive and well designed. I learned that AI means you have to train the bot. It can automated certain things based on libraries and machine learning, but it needs a trainer. One of the images that I had in my head was that you could feed the bot a database of FAQ’s and that the AI would just interpret the database and could talk to a human about all his problems. But that’s not how it works. The interaction needs to be designed.

Not that I am avoiding coding at all costs, but I noticed that my first encounter with Watson did not require any coding. I think it’s helpful if you understand the basic logic of coding when training the AI but I could make this first prototype without a line of code. Behind the scenes there is a lot of code and combining the different elements of Watson and the interaction with the other technology of your service through the API’s requires code, but IBM succeeded in creating a great interface for the training.

Talking to the guys from IBM

The complexity of combining different parts of the AI and the integration with your systems is one of the things I learned while talking to the people of IBM. Our local Smart Services Campus organized a workshop with IBM to get started with Watson. The biggest eye opener for me was that AI is a technology that can help you build great services. Next to a technical challenge to make the AI work better, AI is a service design problem. Now this makes perfect sense to me, but my image of AI was totally clouded by science fiction. How well an AI bot can perform is as much a matter of design as it is a matter of the code. At least that is how it seemed with Watson. I have no experience with other AI’s, but the technology seems to work so well that technology is no longer the bottleneck for providing great services with AI. Having a conversation with a bot is a function of how well the conversation was designed: What is the context? Where is the user in his customer journey? What task is he trying to complete? What are the problems his is facing when completing the task? Of course you can trick a bot and they still fail the Turing test, but that is not the question. The question is how good a bot can help a user complete a task as part of a service he is using. The goal of a bot is not to know everything about everything and be as human as possible. A good bot is a specialist that is well designed and trained. That is also how Watson is built up: separate products and services you can link together to enhance the power of the whole. If you have a team of specialist bots, they can work together and the individual bots can be designed and trained better.

It’s all about the service

The guys from IBM at the workshop were developers. But their message was: talk to a service designer if you want to use bots. The technology modules are there. They are fairly easy to use, intelligent in themselves. They need some connecting with API’s, but the success of this technology will be determined by the quality of the design: understanding of context, user empathy and solution design. I did not see many service designers at the workshop but service designers need to team up with developers to make bots a success. Many people have bad experiences with bots and the hypothesis that I have, based on my experience and talking to the guys from IBM, is that this is more due to bad design than bad technology. The problem is that this is all about the little things of a service that are hard to design. The result is that people get a wrong image of what AI is, what it can do and how you should go about deploying it. AI can be a game changer for Service Design and I wonder how many Service Designers have dived into the subject.

Big On the Little Things (BOLT) is a publication about the little things that make strategic design great. Dennis Hambeukers works as a Strategic Design Consultant at Zuiderlicht. For more content, you can follow me on Twitter or on LinkedIn .



Dennis Hambeukers
BOLT / Big on The Little Things

Design Thinker, Agile Evangelist, Practical Strategist, Creativity Facilitator, Business Artist, Corporate Rebel, Product Owner, Chaos Pilot, Humble Warrior