BPL Warmly welcomes new Board Chair — Dr. Gislaine Ngounou

Big Picture Learning
Big Picture Learning
4 min readDec 20, 2023

It is with tremendous excitement that Big Picture Learning shares that Dr. Gislaine Ngounou — having been unanimously approved by the Big Picture Learning board as part of its December meeting — will assume the role of Board Chair, effective January 1, 2024. Dr. Ngounou succeeds Peter McWalters, who has helped steer the direction of Big Picture Learning in various capacities for close to three decades, starting with his role as Commissioner of K-12 Education for the State of Rhode Island, where he advised and supported Dennis Littky and Elliot Washor in their founding of The Met School and, subsequently, Big Picture Learning.

“Just as Dennis and Elliot recognized the need for new leadership eight years ago — in the form of Andrew Frishman and Carlos Moreno — Saul [Kaplan, BPL Board Chair Emeritus] and I recognize that it is time to usher in fresh leadership to the Big Picture Learning Board,” shared McWalters. “Gislaine, along with Dr. Melanie Edwards-Tavares — who will be continuing her role as Board Vice Chair — reflect not only the present of where Big Picture Learning is, they also represent the future of where Big Picture is going. I could not think of a better team to hand these important reins over to.”

Dr. Edwards-Tavares, President and CEO of SouthCoast Community Foundation, agrees. “Gislaine epitomizes the core values of Big Picture Learning. Her unwavering commitment to social and racial justice, empowerment of youth and communities, and dedication to adult learning and unlearning are matched only by her vast experience leading in education and philanthropy. I am honored to serve alongside her, under the continued guidance of Peter — a leader himself known for his authenticity, experience and steadfast dedication to the growth and advancement of the Big Picture approach.”

Indeed, though McWalters is stepping down as Board Chair, he will continue as a valued member of a continually growing and evolving BPL Board.

“We are grateful to Peter for his invaluable guidance and devoted support as Board Chair over these past five years and are honored by his commitment to continue contributing his wisdom as a standing Board Member,” share BPL Co-Executive Directors Andrew Frishman and Carlos Moreno. “At the same time, we are thrilled and thankful that Gislaine has agreed to assume this role. Having been impressed by her work and leadership for many years — including during her time as a BPL board member — we know that her strategic mind, enduring passion, and high expectations for our own leadership will serve to inspire ambitious growth and impact over our near and distant future.”

With more than 20 years of experience working across the education sector, including five as a member of the Big Picture Learning board, Dr. Ngounou (Ed.L.D, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2014) brings to her role as Board Chair a breadth of experience working with nonprofits, individual schools, school districts and philanthropy — including a recent stint as both Vice President of Strategy & Programs and Interim President and CEO of the Nellie Mae Education Foundation. She is a change agent on a journey to embody the practice of freedom, abundance, love, rest and joy, whose work lives at the intersection of public education, racial and social justice, philanthropy and organizational development. Dr. Ngounou currently serves as the Senior Advisor of Organizational Development and Adaptive Change for Co-Impact, a global philanthropic collaborative that operates at the nexus of education, health and economic empowerment through a gender justice lens — in order to improve the lives of millions of people through just and inclusive systems change.

“Stepping into the role of Big Picture Learning Board Chair fills me with immense excitement and gratitude, as I follow in the footsteps of the incredible Peter McWalters, whose leadership has been a beacon of inspiration,” shares Dr. Ngounou. “As I embark on this journey, I extend profound appreciation to Dr. Melanie Edwards-Tavares for continuing on in her steadfast leadership as Vice Chair. I am humbled by the support and dedication of our board, our phenomenal Co-Executive Directors Carlos and Andrew, and the entire BPL team. I am genuinely excited about the transformative possibilities our next chapter will bring as, together, we continue to champion equity and justice in ways that shape a future where education can be a catalyst for positive change, freedom and a thriving life for all young people.”

Further reflections from Dr. Ngounou will be shared in the new year. Meet the entire Big Picture Learning staff and Board (scroll down) here.



Big Picture Learning
Big Picture Learning

Working to put students at the center of their own learning, for over 20 years.