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True Freedom Comes With Basic Income

David Piepgrass
Big Picture
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2017


“I can’t not do this, because I need the money…” — The thought underlying all exploitation which can be eliminated with one BIG idea

I attended a national economic conference in New York in 2015, and in one of the presentations, the speaker presented the following claim: human trafficking is not so much a criminal issue as it is an economic vulnerability issue, and therefore the best tool we have to strike at the very root of the problem, is a universal basic income.

This idea of a basic income guarantee — an amount of money given to all without any conditions aside from mostly citizenship (and perhaps age) — is an idea that has been around for centuries and yet only recently is really starting to noticeably catch fire in the minds of the public at large. It is being referred to in such terms as “an idea whose time has come”, “an end to poverty”, and “venture capital for the people.” Fast Company has dubbed it a “bipartisan world changing idea.” The New York Times has even asked, “Why Not Utopia?” in light of growing warnings of structural unemployment due to accelerating technological advancements like self-driving cars and artificial intelligence. Outlet after outlet is beginning to seriously discuss this policy once considered outside the Overton Window of political possibility.

Read more of this excellent article by Scott Santens:

(This stub article exists because Medium does not allow a story to appear in multiple publications.)



David Piepgrass
Big Picture

Software engineer with over 20 years of experience. Fighting for a better world and against dark epistemology.