14 Powerful Habits These Fulfilled People Use to Play Big Without Burning Out

You won’t achieve your dreams if you can’t tend to your needs.

Marta Brzosko
Big Self


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

If you want to live a life of purpose, it’s no secret that this requires work and commitment. You need to find your calling and go down a path less travelled. That’s not easy.

It also comes with challenges that you wouldn’t have to deal with if you settled for a life that doesn’t mean much to you.

Let’s say you want to build a business that supports a social cause that’s important to you. You may invest weeks and months upfront in the project, without seeing any immediate results. You’ll be tempted to work overtime because you want to make it happen so badly. You may stop seeing friends and family in the name of making that important change in the world.

You have a noble motivation, and that’s powerful. However, it also makes you prone to forgetting your own needs. Dreamers and visionaries are known to sacrifice such basic things as sleep or regular meals to make their ideas a reality. On top of that, our culture feeds us the ideals of toxic entrepreneurship and hustle porn which glorify personal sacrifice in the name of something “bigger than you.”

