Dark Bezos’ 70% Rule Will Help You Decide Faster

I dislike the dude, but his trick works

Nabil Alouani
Big Self


Jeff Bezos — Source.

Despite having the same haircut, I’m no fan of Jeff Bezos. He mistreated his employees, escaped taxes, tried to buy an election, cheated on his wife, and a ton of other bad shit.

But the bastard is smart. His decision-making grew Amazon from an online bookstore to a wealthy (and somewhat scary) business empire. And given that the most important skill in business is to make good decisions, I believe we ought to steal some of Dark Bezos’s tricks. The 70% rule is one of them.

What’s the rule?

You should make your decision as soon as you have 70% of the information you need to make that decision.

I know you have a lot of questions so let’s debunk them.

How is this rule relevant?

From this point onward, let’s call all the information you need to make a good decision “the needed information.”

Bezos explained that high-quality decisions require 90% of the needed information. The catch? Getting to 90% takes a lot of time, and speed is crucial in our fast-paced world. Whether at work or home, you can miss a ton of opportunities if you don’t decide fast.



Nabil Alouani
Big Self

I drink coffee and write prompts || 100% human-generated content || Weekly mails: https://nabilalouani.substack.com