4 Simple Steps To Take Control Of Your Life

“If it was easy, everyone would be doing it, and you wouldn’t have an opportunity.” — Bob Parsons

Danny Schleien
Big Self


Photo by Avin CP on Unsplash

Taking control of your life is simple.

Don’t believe me? Read on.

I used the word “simple” instead of “easy” in the title for a reason. Simple and easy are not the same thing. If you’re in decent shape, running is easy. And running a marathon is simple. We evolved to run. We didn’t evolve to run 26.2 miles at a time. To accomplish the latter, you just need to repeat the former.

Likewise, taking control of your life is simple but not easy. If it was easy, you wouldn’t be reading pieces like this.

So, without further ado, here are four simple steps to taking control of your life.

#1: Pick solvable problems to suffer for.

Many people delude themselves into believing they can find eternal bliss. They often tie that to attaining an extrinsic marker like a magic level of net worth, a fancy job title, or a house of a certain minimum size. “If only I could be worth a million dollars or have a million followers, I’ll always be happy. I’ll never have a bad day.”



Danny Schleien
Big Self

Writer, editor, explorer, lifelong learner. Social distancing expert since 1994, big fan of semicolons and Oxford commas. Think green.