Three Huge Mistakes You Are Making in Your Relationships

#1 You see your friendships as a grind

Maria Milojković, MA
Big Self


A girl with a blonde bob looking at herself in the mirror
Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash

Yesterday I heard a story about a guy who works for a President of a Southern European country. He’s 38, loaded, and still gets up at 5 to chase the next big thing.

This eager beaver was married but the wife couldn’t keep up with his lifestyle, so they divorced after a year. His stressful lifestyle took its toll and our hustler gained weight. Then came problems with the pituitary gland and diabetes. In the end, he got cancer.

Now that he’s been through the treatment, he wants to bring back healthy habits. He tries to relax during weekends and not think about work but… How do you spend time when everything has been about ambition, grind, and opportunities?

A few days ago he called his personal trainer to meet for a coffee. The years of swimming among big sharks have taught him not to trust anyone, so he remembered the guy from the gym. He hopped on a plane and went to another country just to drink a cup of coffee with the trainer. Obviously, there are no true friends in his motherland.

If it weren’t so absurd, it would be sad.

People are tricky. You can’t do with them but you also can’t do without them no matter how reserved you are. Everybody makes mistakes…



Maria Milojković, MA
Big Self

Serbian translator | Life is unpredictable but rewarding. Create, it will save you | For more articles, follow From Maria with Love 👉