What I Learned from 323 Consecutive Days of Meditating

How I returned to the process and reaped major rewards

Chad Prevost
Big Self
Published in
8 min readDec 14, 2020


Anxiety at the Breakthrough to Success

The first show was aired from the SiriusXM Studios on the 35th floor of the Rockefeller Center building. I was well-prepared, but some things you can’t prepare for. “Five minutes to air,” the production manager’s voice in my headphones said.

My anxiety shot from trending high to redlining. I got panicky. My heart started racing, my palms sweating. I became terrified that I would sound nervous right out of the gate, and the more I thought about how nervous I would sound, the more nervous I got.

“Sixty seconds.”

It felt like you were about to be called on in school, and you knew the answer and you were so excited about giving the answer, but at the same time that all eyes would suddenly turn to you while you were giving the answer that you got nervous and didn’t even want to give the answer after all.

I went through a cycle of calming down and then growing full on nerves again.

“Ten seconds.”

And there it was, the moment of truth. My heart hammering so hard I could barely hear my own voice. This was not the cool, calm…



Chad Prevost
Big Self

The Humanist podcast host. Ph.D., M.A., M.Div. Enneagram and LCP 360 certified practitioner. Leadership and purpose coaching. chadprevost.com