What Should You Be Chasing?

How conscious are the choices you’re making?

Chad Prevost
Big Self


Photo by Ian Nicole Reambonanza on Unsplash

We’ve covered a lot of ground this week as the days slowly shift to Spring. If you boil it down, as we emerge by degrees from this first-in-a-lifetime pandemic, questions arise. Who are we now? Do we want to be the same as when this began? How exactly do we want to be different, and hopefully, somehow, better?

Alexander M. Combstrong asks this question in The Undeniable Benefits of Self-Sabotage: What if what we don’t actually want what we’re working so hard to pursue? I can attest: Been there, done that. Sometimes we blow things up or fail right at the point of apparent success for good reason, and this piece shows us why.

Read his full story: The Undeniable Benefits of Self-Sabotage.

Meanwhile, Evan Wildstein is pondering: What has the collective experience over the past year actually done to us as individuals and a community? Has it changed who we are, or has it pronounced who we are? And second, how important is the concept of proximity in our lives? Has the idea of “place” become a concern of the past?

Read his full story: One Human’s Reflections on a Remarkably Important Anniversary.

Another of our regular contributors, Maria Milojković, offers the kind of hard-won wisdom no one wants to endure. Her uncle, a powerful and successful businessman, seen as a rock to his family, committed suicide this past July. He left no note. He did leave everyone reeling and with a lot of questions.

To see how Maria and her family have dealt with the shock, and her insight into the pursuit of material wealth as a path to happiness, read her full story here: Why All the Money You’re Chasing Won’t Matter at 60.

Finally, I offer the latest research backed by some personal experience for what it takes to start making those micro-moves, which can lead to big results in 4 Steps to Habituate Your Habits.

For as important as consciously developing healthy new habits may be, it’s important not to let a single stumble ruin your day or week. You’re not going to be perfect, and we need to hear that message more in the self-improvement space. It can come as a relief to recognize this. You are fallible, and recognizing this up front can take a lot of unnecessary pressure off.

If you’d like to check out these well-established steps, read the full article here: 4 Steps to Habituate Your Habits.

Here’s to your Big Self made from tiny moments,

Chad and the Big Self Community



Chad Prevost
Big Self

The Humanist podcast host. Ph.D., M.A., M.Div. Enneagram and LCP 360 certified practitioner. Leadership and purpose coaching. chadprevost.com