You Are Charging Too Much

Blame your mature industry, technology, and pricing theory

Chad Prevost
Big Self
Published in
6 min readMar 24, 2021


Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash

Right now, as writers and entrepreneurs who create courses and develop email marketing strategies (and possibly try to earn that “side-hustle” income through freelancing gigs), we are no longer in anything like a “Blue Ocean.” The ocean is red with the chum of online marketeers. The waters are shark-infested.

The waters are crowded with offerings that want to separate themselves as being for those “serious” about their learning. Only the serious would be willing to invest hundreds or thousands of dollars for a course. While that may be true, unless your platform truly sets you apart, you should strategize with what the market will bear.

Tim Denning recently posted about how he is re-thinking how he earns money as a writer. As a fellow writer, publisher, course-builder and entrepreneur, his first point about the $5 online course really resonates with me and prompted to me to follow up on that idea with some of the “why” behind it.

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Chad Prevost
Big Self

The Humanist podcast host. Ph.D., M.A., M.Div. Enneagram and LCP 360 certified practitioner. Leadership and purpose coaching.