Do you have clear career aspirations?

Morine Amutorine Andria
Big Sister Lessons (BSL)
3 min readMar 30, 2024

A Guide to Career Readiness

Not too long ago, my perception of being career-ready was simply having a university degree or diploma to prove that I possessed the knowledge to take on a professional job in my field. I believe this is still the understanding of many young people as they face their professional journey.

In the past, having a university degree or diploma was sufficient to compete in the professional world, at least where I come from. However, times have changed. Today, technological advancements and increased global connectivity have transformed our career landscape. The professional realm is now highly competitive, with organizations able to recruit talent from anywhere and AI automating tasks once performed by humans.

It’s evident that today’s youth must put in additional effort to effectively position themselves to stand out and compete professionally. So I ask: Do you have clear career aspirations, or are you simply dreaming without direction?

“Your career, like your life, moves forward whether you think about it or not” — Julie Zhuo.

If you don’t think about your career, then you’re putting your faith in the winds. ‘Maybe you’ll end up somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. Maybe not. Why take that chance when you can captain your own sails?’

I believe many of us think about our careers but often without clear aspirations. In my experience, and I suspect for many young people, the primary goal for a career is financial stability and independence from parental support. While this is a valid motivation, simply wishing for it without a clear plan won’t help your career. Ambitions must be accompanied by clear aspirations, followed by concrete plans and actions. It’s having these clear aspirations that truly makes a difference!

Clear career aspirations: What are they?

Think of your career aspirations through these three lenses.

1. Inherent personal interests — Exploring the activities, subjects, or causes that genuinely captivate you and reflecting on them will help shape and clarify your career aspirations.

2. Skills acquired — Developing the skills you have learned in school further through practical experiences and acquiring the relevant technical and soft skills will help clarify your career aspirations.

3. The crucial external environment — Evaluating the things you need to take your career to the next level; i.e., researching your industry, identifying organizations that value your skillset, and connecting with professionals in your field will be crucial steps in achieving your career aspirations.

Put differently, you can identify your career aspirations by following these four steps.

Infographic by the author

A degree or diploma may provide a foundation, but actively shaping one’s career aspirations goes the extra mile in enhancing career readiness.

By cultivating clear aspirations, individuals not only expand their professional horizons but also develop the resilience and determination needed to thrive in today’s dynamic job market.

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Morine Amutorine Andria
Big Sister Lessons (BSL)

Morine is a software engineer turned data specialist currently working with UN Global Pulse. Connect: LinkedIn: morine-amutorine