Facebook is trying to kill the open web. Apple is trying to save it.

How can you lie while telling the truth?

Brad LaPlante
Big Tech Talks


Facebook is trying to kill the open web. Apple is trying to save it.

Google and Facebook — not Apple — are killing the internet.

2020 might have been the biggest year for Apple in the company’s history. Their new Mac lineups going forward will feature their own silicon chips rather than Intel’s, the iPhone just received its biggest design change since the iPhone 6, and iOS 14 is the biggest change in software Apple has made since iOS 7.

But let’s talk about iOS 14 for a second.

iOS 14 features
iOS 14 features via Apple.

To recap, iOS 14 — or more specifically, iOS 14.3 — features a wide array of privacy updates, most notably it requires all app developers to display more transparency about the information it gathers from you and users are now enabled to “opt out” of being tracked across the web by Facebook.

Facebook is obviously not happy as they launched a malicious ad-campaign targeted at Apple. The ad’s main message is “Apple vs Free Internet” and is making the case that banning personalized ads is going to hurt small businesses who utilize Facebook to reach new…

