Mark Zuckerberg vs. Tim Cook Feud: A War of Words Over iOS 14's App Tracking Transparency

Apple vs. Facebook’s timeline of events depicted via illustrations

Anupam Chugh
Big Tech Talks


Tim cook vs. Mark Zuckerberg feud: A war of words over iOS 14 App Tracking Transparency
Made by Canva. Source image: Google image search, modified by the author

Apple and Facebook have been at loggerheads for a decade now. And why wouldn’t they be? After all, one has mastered the art of selling products to its niche userbase while the other believing in free services by harvesting its customer’s data.

The respective CEOs, Tim Cook and Mark Zuckerberg aren’t the best of friends either. If you’d look through the archives, there have been several instances where each of them hasn’t shied away from expressing their resentments towards the other’s business tactics and vision.

For example, Tim Cook once advised the Facebook CEO to delete all their data. As a response, Zuckerberg suggested Apple’s products are too expensive.

There has also been an instance where Apple actually revoked Facebook’s developer certificate when the latter was found violating their App Store rules.

With the advent of iOS 14, Apple unveiled a new privacy feature that asks for user’s permission before letting advertisers track them across apps. This single popup caused the already strained relationship between the two firms to spiral out of control. Each of the CEOs was…



Anupam Chugh
Big Tech Talks

iOS and Android Developer. Online Writer. Editor @BttrProgramming. Marketer. Wannabe Filmmaker, and a Funny Human bot!